Iman Antonio Luna



4 years, 7 months ago


Fly me to the moon

Name Iman Antonio Luna
Age Twenty-five
Alias Luna, Sirius
Gender Male
Sexuality Homosexual
Pronouns He / Him
Job Veterinarian
Ethnicity PH-MY-CN

And let me play
  • 5'0" tall.
  • Shoulder length black hair with dyed white streaks.
  • Pitch black right eye with a red X.
  • He has a missing middle finger on his right hand.
  • Has shark-like teeth.
  • Rather thin with a noticeable lack of any muscle.
Reference Here

Iman Antonio Luna, better known as simply Luna, is the former ultimate veterinarian. Owner of a very well-known vet clinic named "Pet-Well Clinic", the veterinarian has been known to travel all over the world to different schools and community-based programs to teach others about different kinds of animals, their behaviors, and even bringing along puppies and kittens for the children and adults alike to play with! His human-animal interactive programs are famous all over the world, and with his growing popularity, Luna has also helped to open many more animal shelters in his home, Melbourne, Australia.

Luna comes off as a rather eccentric and unfriendly person towards others, but in reality, the male is simply very socially awkward and has always had a much easier time talking to animals than people his own age. The veterinarian has a hard time forming meaningful bonds with other human beings, especially after the loss of his best and only friend, Shouya Roşu. Luna simply prefers to keep others at an arm's distance away, refusing to give them a chance and having convinced himself that everyone else is just out to get him.

In the end, Luna has forgotten how to trust other people.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive passive

Among the stars

While he is a veterinarian, thus making him much better at treating animals, Luna can treat human patients as well.

Considering his boyfriend was a mangaka, perhaps it's not that surprising that Luna is into cosplaying. Disguises are something he's oddly good at...

Animals LOVE him. Even animals that are typically hostile to humans take a liking to him almost immediately.

He may be practically skin and bones, but his strength is actually pretty average and he can more or less hold himself in a fight.


Luna strongly dislikes humans. He will NEVER trust or help another human being out of his own free will. Unless you somehow manage to befriend him...

Not the biggest fan of blood despite seeing it on a daily basis. He can handle it, but it clearly makes him nervous.

A massive coward. He will run before trying to fight.

He has average strength but he will die if you punch him.


Luna keeps his history under lock and key and is very unwilling to get into it. Not much is known about him online as he lacks any personal social media. This is more because he's a boomer though.


  • Luna really enjoys going to carnivals and winning as many plushies as he can.
  • He has a dog named...Luna?! It originally belonged to his boyfriend Shouya.
  • His missing eye used to look like a golden cat eye.
  • Luna always seems to look worried. It's just his default expression.
  • He often tries to teach his dog all sorts of things like playing chess...
  • His birthday is on the 25th of March.

In other words...
CV Miyashita Yuu
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Sin Greed
Virtue Forgiveness

Designer YUMElRO


His best friend and lover.

Luna misses him very much and is afraid of moving on.


A friend.

Luna enjoys her company. He might not be the most athletic person out there, but maybe that can change.


Another friend.

They can be a little weird at times, but that's a little hypocritical coming from Luna right? He enjoys their company regardless...


And another friend somehow.

Luna respects Neapolitan and enjoys playing chess with him. Teaching his dogs how to play chess is another matter though...