[Mothcat] ๐Ÿบ Hamilton



4 years, 6 months ago



Hambone is a somewhat reserved cat. He can be very nervous and often expresses this in aggression. This aggression is primarily an intimidation tactic, it is unlikely for him to actually fight. He is the younger son of Nanuk. He wandered the lands for a few years before settling in Aldora.


Hambone is a fairly small and scrawny cat, much like the runt of the litter that never quite caught up. His coat is a mottled mixes of browns with a solid cream covering his muzzle, underside, the inside of his ears, paws, and tail tip. His eyes are a bright, bold yellow and his wings are a solid dark brown. His dark brown mane, the same color as his wings, only covers the back and sides of his neck, leaving his chest exposed.

  • the forest
  • moonlight
  • midnight stargazing
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • hot summer days
  • thunderstorms
  • disloyalty
  • no
  • no
  • no

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean interdum maximus tempor."

Hamilton (Hambone)
He / Him
Standard Mothcat
Adult / ~ 20
Small / Scrawny / Scruffy

[Common] Antennae ~ Q-Tip
[Rare] Ears ~ Wolf
[Rare] Mane ~ Boa
[Common] Wings ~ Classic
[Common] Tail ~ Point
[Common] Eyes ~ Classic
[Common] Pupils ~ Sharp


Hambone and Nanuk were once inseperable in his youth, but as Ham has grown older, he felt a little bit smothered and tries to keep a ย little bit more distance between them. After a bit of an adventuring phase, Hambone returned home to mom for a while longer before searching for a more permanent place of his own. He arrived in Aldora to discover his older brother was already living there, with a family of his own no less. Although the brothers had only met a few times prior, they naturally formed a fairly close bond, all things considered.

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Kodiak | Brother

Kodiak is the oldest of Nanuk's children.ย 

Nanuk | Mother

Hambone is Nanuk's second child. Nanuk and Hambone were once inseparable. He was a very small and frail kitten and Nanuk was determined to protect him from anything. Nanuk felt like she had to be the perfect mother after Kodiak and it left Hambone feeling a little smothered. As he grew older, Nanuk realized she had to let him leave the nest and experience life on his own. ย Eventually Nanuk found her way to Aldora and reconnected with her sons.



Icarus | Nephew

Icarus is Nanuk's oldest grandchild, the son of Kodiak. He didn't know much about his grandmother other than the fact that she wasn't in his fathers life. Nanuk feels as though Icarus picks up on Kodiak's strained relationship with her and as a result, she worries that Icarus also holds her past decisions against her.

Cookie| Nibling

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