


4 years, 6 months ago


name: theia lightwood

age/birthday: 21, dec 17 (sag)

gender/sexuality: cis girl, bi (she/her)

race: japanese/mexican (goddess)

occupation: ???

appearance: 5'4, somewhat curvy and tanned. has a dusting of star-like freckles on her face and all over her body that light when she's exercising her power. gentle, cloudy eyes that are a faint shade of purple but can often look like a more dark grey. blonde, messy hair - long lashes and thick eyebrows. has both her ears pierced. 

personality: floating permanently on a cloud - a dreamer of a girl and an odd one at that. not used to being around people and misses social queues often, that is if she's even tuned into the conversation as she usually disconnects from them pretty quickly until she's actively being addressed or it's something she has a keen interest in. very honest and doesn't really lie.. sometimes that lands her in trouble, but she can't help being upfront because she thinks it hinders situations if you lie about anything or pretend you don't know something. despite her dreamy, disconnected personality, she's still friendly - a gentle soul... who also happens to quite the daredevil. likes a bit of danger and adrenaline and sometimes even a good fight. stronger than she appears.

 as funny as her daydreaming habits can be, she picked them up as a way to protect herself from the life she lived for 21 years - that of a trophy, an object of pity, paraded like a rescued animal for her blindness - she daydreamed to escape the berating from her 'parents' when she dared to step out of line and found it was the only way to cope. also regresses in age often.

likes: old plays, textured things, soft foods, listening to people speak, being out at night time, dangerous or exciting situations

dislikes: being talked down to, her parents, huge crowds, being yelled at, fruity teas, tough foods


  • she's blind! she has been since birth, so it's all she's ever known. 'detects' things and people using clairvoyance - she can count the people in the room and any obstacles if she focuses on it, though naturally it gets exhausting after a while. she has a cane for daytime walking, too but will usually just hold onto will's arm if he's there.
  • stole a motorcycle once but no one believes her. she has the scar from her knee to her ankle to prove it, though!
  • a titaness, so her skills in a fight are... um.. surprising? small for a titaness, though. 
  • only managed to escape her parents with the help of fionn, who couldn't stand seeing her living the way she was.
  • used to sneak out at night just to be free.. now she can do it without worry - she rather likes the company at the bar, even the drunk fighters. especially the drunk fighters, actually.
  • she can take a punch! will does not like or endorse this fact.
  • her cane is wooden and has a lot of intricate designs on it, so when she's sitting she runs her fingers absently over it. 
  • can detect people by their 'light' - as the goddess of light, she feels the light of peoples souls - or lack thereof. 
  • likes rock music and would love to go to a concert one day...