


4 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Human Name

Gustave Neige


❄ Galamig ❄

125 ⁑ Capricorn ⁑ 29/12 ⁑Bisexual ⁑ In a Relationship Ice Skating ⁑ Last Lovers

The ice inside the mouth is melting quickly
It feels going until the backside of the ears..
Fever seems to be disappeared,
when thinking about somebody, heart becomes full..

Hit by the rain coming down heavily,
with trembling lips and red swollen eyelids,
You keep waiting for me in this place,
Please forgive me who always make you cry...

* Now, a couple holding hand on hand, permits that
  "I'm you, you're me".... let's do the final oath..

Although a thought of "would it be over?" had ever welled up,
but with that bound, the couple overcame it...
If love deed comes from this world,
though forbidden, I always want to be next to you...

Two bodies given by God,
if this meeting became only an ordinary coincidence..
The highest gift granted from heaven,
decide not to let go each other hands...

** With the usual cold body temperature, we could stand side by side, hugging shoulders
    "I'm you, you're me".... let's do the final oath..

* Now, a couple holding hand on hand, permits that
  "I'm you, you're me".... let's do the final oath..

** With the usual cold body temperature, we could stand side by side, hugging shoulders
    "I'm you, you're me".... let's do the final oath..

Let's write down  a wonderful tale together..
Hey, it's still the first page, ending isn't needed...