Slenderdog (Crystalline Sea Slenderdog)



1 year, 3 months ago


Crystalline Sea version summary:

-Physical qualities:

  • While all anthros in this universe stand at normal human heights, that is not the case for Slender as he is an eldritch being taking on a mortal guise. If Slenderdog were to stand on his hind legs, he'd be about 12 feet tall, but luckily for everyone around him he doesn't seem to feel the need to do this. In the Crystalline Sea story, instead of having smoothed skin where the eyes would go, this version has seemingly empty eye sockets that regardless of lighting or the direction you are looking at them from always appear shadowed. Slenderdog can sprout tentacles from anywhere on and inside his body with little to no limitations to the amount of tentacles, however he seems to prefer only spawning 8 to 10 of them at a time. He is almost always shrouded in some level of visual distortion, to both eyes and technology, and he doesn't need to move his jaw in order to speak.
  • Slenderdog usually appears as a male Great Dane or completely sexless, depending on his mood. On very rare occasions, he will appear as a female Great Dane. However, except for his privates, nothing else about him changes. Not even his voice. His pronouns also remain the same!
  • For some reason, his manifestation is not only locked to species, but also to breed. He can only appear in the mortal realm as a Great Dane, however, on the rare occasions he experiences strong emotions or pain, his form becomes increasingly surreal, vague, and visually distorted.
  • His tongue(s) has a tendency to become tentacle(s).

-Oddly enough, while he can speak on his own, he will rarely do so to anyone but Portia herself, and prefers to use technology around him (TVs, radios, phones, ect) to project his voice. It is almost as if speaking outloud is either something he wasn't use to doing due to isolation or an entirely mortal concept. Regardless, this ability is very good at freaking out mortals.

-Slender can merge into shadows and even use them to seemingly teleport around. To identify a Slender shadow, one only needs to be looking through a lens, as the shadow will distort the camera similar to how it would distort looking at his physical manifestation.

-He can manipulate the energy inside of crystals.