Alreak Toothling



4 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


29 Years Old






5'5" (165.10 cm)


134 lbs (60.78 kg)


Pansexual, Panromantic


Chaotic Neutral


Warlock, Contracted to Fiend


Full Name: Alreak Meimorn Nilros Aronan Xavfyr Alqinor Orinan Alenas James Toothling

Alias(es): None

Nickname(s): None

Name Pronunciation: /ahl-REEK may-MORN NIHL-rohss ARE-oh-nahn xahv-FIRE al-quih-NOR or-ih-NAHN aye-LEH-nahs JAHM-z TOOTH-ling/


Character Summary21694088_6BBuSuVb6ZBou60.pngAlreak is a very horny dude. He likes to be horny too.
Oh yeah, and he's a Warlock.


Alreak is a rather flirty and boisterous Half-Elf, almost everything he says is in some way flirty, even if he isn't meaning to be. He tends to act rather self-centered and egotistical, only ever complimenting himself and refusing to acknowledge the flaws he has to others. He tries to hide any signs of caring about people and also keeps most at a distance, refusing to acknowledge attachment to them. He has rather deep-set trust and abandonment issues stemming from his childhood and his inability to hold friendships. He began boosting his own ego and lying about himself to seem more interesting and attract attention, in the end, it ended up being a defense to keep people from getting close to the real him as they'd all leave anyway. He's only ever let one person see the real him, his Girlfriend, Krisbella Montigoose. Due to this attachment towards her, he made a deal with an Orc named Warbringer to find her after she went missing mysteriously. His deal to kill the Usaal, the god of Night, in exchange for finding his lost love in hopes of making sure she's safe, even if she sees him and screams she hates him in the end.


Gender: Male, He/Him

Sexuality: Pansexual, Panromantic

Height: 5'5" (165.10 cm)

Weight: 134 lbs (60.78 kg)

Species: Half-Elf (Drow Elf)

Birthdate: March 29th

Age: 29 Years Old

World of Residence: 

Location of Residence: 


Personal Details

Social Standing: Middleclass

Title(s): None

Handedness: Ambidextrous

- Con Artist

- Calligraphy

Known Languages:
- Common
- Abyssal
- Elven
- Orc

Body Type: Lean

Zodiac Sign: Aries


Personality Traits

+ Energetic
+ Charismatic
= Flirty
= Distant
= Boisterous
- Deceptive
- Cowardly
- Unfocused
- Pessimistic
- Petty


+ Granted Powers from a Fiendish Entity
+ Darkvision
+ Cannot Be Put To Sleep From Magic
+ Has Resistance to Being Charmed
+ Multilingual
+ Highly Skilled
+ Good Charisma
+ Devil's Sight
+ Pact of Tome
+ Able to Forage Documents
+ Strong Calligraphy Skill


- Physically Weak
- Weak for a Pretty Face
- Below Average Honor

Emotional Catalysts

Emotional/Physical Comforts
+ Affection
+ Sex

- Loss
- Abandonment
- Getting Close
- Wrong Owl
- Animals (mostly anxiety)

- Being Called a "Friend"


- None

Preferred Weapons:

- Simple Weapons
- Daggers
- Greatclubs
- Magic


- Eldritch Blast
- Toll of the Dead
- Prestidigitation
- Poison Spray
- Hex
- Arms of Hadar
- Burning Hands
- Command
- Comprehend Languages
- Mage Armor (Invocation)
- Darkness
- Scorching Ray
- Blindness/Deafness
- Fly
- Thunder Step
- Fireball
- Stinking Cloud
- Sickening Radience
- Dimension Door
- Elemental Bane
- Fire Shield
- Wall of Fire
- Synaptic Static
- Flame Strike
- Hollow
- Sacred Flame (Book of Shadows)
- Produce Flames (Book of Shadows)
- Create Bonfire (Book of Shadows)
- Dark One's Blessing
- Pact of Tome
- Dark One's Own Luck
- Fiendish Resilience
- Agonizing Blast (Invocation)
- Devil's Sight (Invocation)
- Armor of Shadows (Invocation)
- Aspect of the Moon (Invocation)
- Gift of the Protectors (Invocation)



Favorite Drink: Coffee

Favorite Food: 

Favorite Season: Spring

Favorite Animal: Cats

Favorite Color: Orange

Favorite Number: Two

Favorite Shape: Heart

Favorite Movie Genre: N/A

Favorite Music Genre: Ballroom Music

Most Valuable Item: 



+ Jewelry
+ Sleeping
+ Sleeping ;)
+ Cats, as a Concept
+ Alcohol
+ Coffee
+ Fancy Clothes
+ Calligraphy
+ Affection (In Private)

- Cows
- Mornings
- Animals
- Commitment
- Getting Close to Others
- Gloves
- The Words "Friend" or “Friendship”
- Public Displays of Affection



TW: Sexual Themes Hinted, TBA

Alreak Meimorn Nilros Aronan Xavfyr Alqinor Orinan Alenas James Toothling was born to Serad Toothling, a human male, and Artrana Toothling, a Half-Elf female with Drow Ancestry. He lived a rather normal life with his family until his mother, Artrana, was arrested when he was 7 years old. His family dynamic fell apart as his father had to work more to provide for the two of them, and the two grew distant and tense as through the years and Alreak took up his mother's mantle in crime as a way to get back at the people who had taken her away.
The distance he had towards relationships carried over to friendships, causing him to start losing friends from it. He started lying and boosting his ego in an attempt to make himself more interesting to try and keep others around, and while it would work for a time, when they found out they had been lied to he was left alone over and over. Romantic relationships didn't fare much better, most were only physical, not emotional. He mostly was trying to use them as a replacement for any other type of affection he was lacking, and stacked with his distance and dishonesty, he ended up in tremendous failed relationships. He eventually gave up on friendships and love, believing he could never find a relationship that could last and began seeking physical relationships for nothing more than gratification with no connections needed. He dedicated himself to a life of crime, sex, and alcohol to attempt to enjoy the messy life he was stuck in.
His life of casually sleeping around with anyone willing when he met a woman named Krisbella Montigoose. The two had agreed to a one night stand, only for their relationship to continue after the first night and ending up with him catching feelings for the other. He tried to push them down and deny them, but found himself embarrassed trying to talk to her and trying harder to impress her into liking him too, but most of his attempts resulted in him stumbling over his words as a flustered mess. Despite how poor of a job he did while attempting to seem interesting to the other, she ended up sticking around and after he asked her out to coffee the two started dating. He continued for a while with his normal act of lies to make himself seem more important and interesting, though he slowly started opening up more to her, showing more of his true self rather than the facade he made. For five years the two were together and Alreak felt the happiest he ever had. Though, one day, Krisbella suddenly went missing. Alreak searched for a year with no success before meeting an Orc going by Warbringer who offered to help Alreak find Krisbella, in exchange for a favor of his own. With some questions from Alreak, Warbringer stated his terms were for Alreak to kill someone and Alreak ended up accepting the deal, leading him to the start of his journey with the Party.





Warbringer, Patron/Adoptive Father.

An intimidating Orc that's over twice the height of Alreak, he agreed to a deal with the other to get mutual benefits. Warbringer wanted someone dead, Alreak wanted to find his lost love. Alreak, even finding out who the other wants dead, doesn't question if the deal is unfair. He's a bit annoyed at his Patron for not giving him the information sooner, as he could have prepared better for what would happen had he known, but is too scared to say anything against the other in person. He tends to stay quiet when around him, trying to stay on his good side, even if Warbringer isn't on his.


Batukhan, NPC Adopted Brother.



Amalyln Kilghym, Great Grandfather (Grandmother's Side).



Ellynn Kilghym, Great Grandmother (Grandmother's Side).



Ron Nekraz, Grandfather (Mother's Side).



Jenvyre Nekraz, Grandmother (Mother's Side).



Mager Toothling, Grandfather (Father's Side).



Tes Toothling, Grandmother (Father's Side).



Serad Toothling, Father.



Artrana Toothling, Mother.


Significant Other(s)


Krisbella Montigoose, Lover.

Also called Krissy or Kris.
Krisbella is one of many relationships Alreak has had in his lifetime, but the first to actually last. They've been together for 5 years, but she's been missing for a single year. She was the best thing to ever walk into his life and he doesn't understand why she stuck around so long, nor why she liked him. Despite her just vanishing without a trace and them having a relationship where she would have communicated she was dumping him rather than just walking out, Alreak still has lingering doubts that she had just left to break up with him. However, the fear that something could have happened and she could even die if he just sits around leaves him unable to try and move on. He wants nothing more than for her to be happy and safe, even if it's not with him.



Priestess Helena, NPC Party Member & Friend.

She dug our graves. :)



"Common Forest Cow", Enemy.



Krisbella Montigoose [Corrupted], Enemy.

Not his Fault. Fear.png apparently this was easy. He blames himself for this.


Usaal, Target.

The target in his pact with Warbringer, the being he's meant to kill.





Eneas Mondstrahl, Party Member.

Eneas is a rather happy and cheerful late teen in the group. Alreak met Eneas while Eneas was working as a performer in the Screeching Eel. While Alreak originally didn't like Eneas much due to the other's comments, he's come to prefer Eneas the most due to how much the other seems to go out of his way to care. He tries to hide the fact he cares, but he genuinely wants the other to be safe and avoid injury if possible.


Roland "No Last Name", Party Member.

Roland is a rather mischievous individual, Alreak isn't on the best terms with him. Alreak is still rather bitter towards him for him and Nirav signing the group up in the Arena without telling Eneas or him, and in his mind humiliating him in front of hundreds of people. Alreak has absolutely no trust with Roland and a rather strong dislike for him, though not outright hatred. It's debatable if he'd be willing to screw Roland over for his own benefit, though currently, it's very likely.


Nirav "No Last Name", Party Member.

Nirav is a squire to Symon and studying to be a knight of Nachtwald. He is rather serious, stoic, and can be a bit intimidating, especially with his dragon forms. Alreak is rather on the fence on how he feels about Nirav. While Alreak is still rather petty and angry at him over the Arena stunt Roland and he had pulled, Nirav also was willing to fake that he bought the crossbow bolts for Eneas so Alreak could pretend to not care, and also stayed and talked to him despite Alreak trying to scare people off from speaking with him. He's not sure where he stands with Nirav, but he's neutral enough he's willing to make snarky comments towards him if the time comes up.


Meryl Daylance, Party Mom.

A Knight of Lichtstadt, who is kind, compassionate, and motherly towards the group. Alreak originally attempted to flirt with her by offering to help her with minuscule things and asking for hugs, but finding out she had a child he backed off from his bad flirting. He feels weird about how she treats him, finding it even uncomfortable how motherly she acts. It's something he's not very familiar with, and he's not exactly sure he likes the reminder of something he lost at a young age.


Alia Brightwood, NPC Party Member.

Alia is a rather clever girl who has a bit of a mischievous side to her. She has a lot of the appearance details as Alreak's girlfriend, making him unsure of how to handle her. He's made rather egotistical comments about Alia clearly being attracted to him, mostly as a boost to his own ego and joking than actually believing she does. She can throw him off rather easily, he's unsure of how to read her asking him to dance, he definitely knows she could embarrass him if she wanted to.


Darius Niemand, NPC Party Member.



Sir Simon Meyer, NPC Acquaintance.

Knight Sir, Knight of Nachtwald.


Sedna, NPC Acquaintance.

Cool Tabaxi dude.


Panav, NPC Acquaintance.



Vayu, NPC Acquaintance.



Princess Hannah, NPC Acquaintance.



Extra Information

  • His Girlfriend, Krisbella, Taught Him Elven while they were together.
    • His Mother never bothered to teach him.
  • He is a Horny or Depressed drunk


Design Notes

  • He has a Binding Mark from his Pact on the back of his Right Hand.
    • It's a Crimson Skull Symbol.
  • His hair is waist length.
  • His iris color is an extremely light red, Not Orange.