Sunkiss Albion's Comments

Hello! I know you don't know me and this is quite random, but I have been searching for other Poffs to be a companion of some sort for my beloved Poff. I just love the species so much, but they are hard to find and have been forgotten about. I would make my own, but I don't usually connect to my designs.

I realize that you don't have any indication of wanting to get rid of them, but it is always worth checking. Currently character trades and/or art are all I can really do, which probably makes this even less appealing. But if you decide at some point to get rid of them, I would love to give the baby a home. I hope maybe one or multiple characters outside of the Forever Homed folder may interest you. Or maybe art. You can see examples throughout my Forever homed characters.

Thank you for your time and putting up with my long message. I apologize if I bothered you at all. >w<