Haku Inajiro



4 years, 11 months ago




AGE: 25BIRTHDAY: 16 December
GENDER: MaleAFFILIATION: Demon Slayer Corps
OCCUPATION: Demon Slayer
FEAR: spiders, flying insetcs such as butterfly, losing people he cares about
LIKES: His family and friends, kill demons, tea, music, traditional dances

Personnality: Haku is a childish kinda personn, he likes playing around and not being serious about anything except fight with demons. He's extremeley passionate and devoted to his demon slayer status and will without any hesitation slaughter anny demon he will encounter, that they have still humanity in them or not, he will kill them by pure hatred for them. Other than that he is also very protective towards his friends and won't hesitate to take the sword to protect them. However he will also avoid useless fight. he tends to like to prank people he is close to, to have some fun. 

Childhood (newborn - age 10):
Haku always lived with his family during his young age, being the second child being an advantage as he only have to protect his younger sister and he is protected by his older brother. He grown hearing the stories of his mother, talking about japan and its folklore. However he never believed her when she was talking about demons, always thinking that it is a way for her to scare her children, likfe some sort of horror stories.
As his family had money, he had the opportunity to go to a grea school learning a lot of things.

Teenage Years (11 - 19):
During his teenage years, eveything seemed to go well, he was a good student, and had a loving family and a loving girlfriend. At the age of 18, it was finally decided that Haku will marry his girlfriend, as her and his family were in good terms. But some months before their wedding, Junko -his fiancé- was killed by a demon. Filled with rage he decided to become stronger to avenge Junko. After killing the demon that ate his fiancé, Haku decided to become a true demon slayer to make sure that people don't go through what happened to him.

Adult Years (20):
During his twenties he met a lot of ohter demon slayer, like him, he then met Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke. Haku doesn't really understand the point of view of Tanjiro about demons but still like his compagny. As an Hinoto he doesn't get to stay a lot with them as his missions are tougher and ask him more times.

Family, Friends & Foe
                - [ Aishiro Inajiro -father- ]
                       [ His father was a rich man. He had many kilometers of rice culture that he sold a lot. He was a really simple and nice man tha tloved his family and gave everything for his family to be happy and have a great life. ]

                - [ Hanayo Inajiro -mother- ]
                       [ His mother was a really loving mother that always helped his father with his rice culture, she would also take good care of her family and make grat meals for them. She would learn them a lot about the japan as she used to be an adventurer. She woul tell them stories about demons but some of her children never believed her.]

                - [Hanako Inajiro -sister]
                    She's Haku younger sister, she is really carefree and guillible

               - [ Junko Kishiko -ex fiancée- ]
                        She was meant to marry Haku however she died just before their wedding. 


Haku tends to be alone during his missions but he often encounters the main trio (Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke), while he can't stand Zenitsu he finds himself enjoying the compagny of the other two. 


Like many other demon slayer, he has a crow as a pet that tell him when to go on missions.