Aleksei Krusnikov




Aleksei Krusnikov - father of three, happily married to a lovely Russo-Ukrainian wife, and working the job that he always wanted in a plant just on the outskirts of Moscow, the podmoskoviye. The 35-year old had a wonderful life, loving family, kind colleagues and a great boss. The salary was good, the work tedious but constant, and life was looking up in the grey, cloudy regions of Russia.

And then the plant explosion happened.

> need to draw original human form (very square-like and bulky)
> plant explosion - working on radioactive plant matter(?) hence he turned into a plant
> can't handle going back to his family so he runs away and stays with a loopy scientist who he consents to being tested on because what else can he do?
> family think he has abandoned them // enter Pavlov, who is trying to bed his wife
> essentially trying to find a way to be normal again
> happy ending? still has spouts of plant growth but otherwise more-or-less human if not a little lopsided (: