Orchid (Orchid (Old))



3 years, 7 months ago




Name Orchid
Called Orc, Fire Ball, Blue daughter
Age 23
Gender Female
Race Human
RoleSSuporting Character
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Theme Crazy = Genius (P!ATD)

Orchid is a loud, reckless, and eccentric young lady. She possesses portal-teleportation and fire-related powers of which she uses to reach chips in the downstairs kitchen and getting the best smores.


  • Fire
  • Warm weather
  • Spicy foods
  • Adventure


  • Sleeves
  • waking up early
  • sour candy
  • Winter


Orchid has been dubbed my "OC for everything", originally made for Madoka Magica, she has been thrown into many other universes such as Pokemon, harry potter, My hero academia, original stories, etc. It was because of her being in so many fandoms I decided to give her teleportation powers (They kind of work like how the main character in Wakfu uses them, I haven't watched that in so long forgive me), and then fire powers because of the line in the song "Crazy = genius" by panic at the disco "You can set yourself on fire, but your never gonna burn".


Orchid is a tall girl standing at 5 '11', she has long poofy teal hair tied in a ponytail with the sides shaved. Her eyes are topaz and her skin is a chocolaty brown, she prefers clothes that are bright in color, riped, or have some sort of spike incorporated in the design. She has many piercings and sharp pointed teeth.


  • Her birthday is March 23 making her an Aries and her birth flower a Narcissus.
  • She was made at a nature center camp in my areas greenway that I hated and was very bored at.
  • She is named Orchid because I saw I sign that said Orchard and thought it said Orchid.
  • In the Madoka Magica universe, her wish was "I want infinite grief seeds with no consequences what so ever!".
  • In the My hero academia universe, she is known as the pro hero "Swagger" and her quirk allows her to make explosions spike up from the ground.

HTML by lowkeywicked