
Gender: Female

Age: 21

Hair color: Dark Brown

Eye color: Left is brown, right is green

Tail Color: Aqua

Sexual Preference: Bisexual

Loves: XXX, informing those so they don't have what she had

Hates: Slacker students, stalkers, co-workers critiquing her life choices

    She doesn't want to share her past to most people, but what people do know is that once she came to Aquinous, she registered at Koibito no ike and got too work immediately, as if she was a natural. After a year of doing her experiences, she wound up getting pregnant but didn't know who the father was. Even worse, she actually had a miscarriage and the baby didn't survive. Months later, she decided to do some research on the side to figure out how that would of been possible, soon exploring more and more and often using herself as a test subject to study some of the effects it had on her. By 3 years living in Aquinous, she was actually eligible to become a sex ed teacher, and that's what she became at a merhigh school. So now, at day she is a sex ed teacher, at night she's a prostitute.