Ophelia Lovelle



4 years, 7 months ago



Ophelia Lovelle

Member of The Underground
Hazard/The Underground
Villain Name

"Oh my goodness! HI NEW FRIEND! Coming here to see a bit more about me? Careful about what you wish for, because we are delving into madness!"


Ophelia has the mindless cheerfulness of a child. Always looking at the world to be full of bright new possibilities. She can heavily be described as optimistic, and supportive. She is also incredibly naive, ditzy, and unfocused, to the point of being comical to others.

However she has the social abilities of a small child, because of her past. Prone to temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way, Ophelia has an incredibly minuscule fuse, for an explosive temper.

She also absolutely loathes her Quirk, and is full of self hatred and loathing. She believes Heroes are amazing, and she idolizes them, however she also is disgusted by them, because of her time at UA.








"I am pretty picky when it comes to certain things. Well mostly everything!"

  • Hazard
  • Candy
  • Pastel Colors
  • Super Girly Shit
  • Chill Pills
  • Soup
  • Blood
  • UA
  • Birds
  • Being Mocked


Ophelia is short of stature, only five feet tall. Willowy, and slender, she is not very curvy. She is on the borderline of underweight for her stature. Porcelain skin, without a single scar, or mar upon her flesh, and large, doe-like eyes, as dark as coal. Her hair falls just to the middle of her upper thighs, and is a beautiful, natural rainbow hue, she normally wears down in soft, natural curls. Almost always, she wears white, or pastel dresses, that are usually lacy, and incredibly girly. A large bow that matches her dress is normally worn in her hair, where just depending on how she styles it for the day. She wears an indestructible metal collar around her neck, with a thick, cut chain that hangs down to her bellybutton, that is unable to be removed from her body.


Hazard ***In Progress***


Ere Mitsugu A year behind her, Ophelia met Ere in UA. She originally noticed Ere, when she competed in the UA Sports Festival. Quickly the pair had struck up an odd friendship during the remainder of Ophelia's time in school. Even after leaving UA, the two remained friends, and are in contact, although Ere has no idea that Ophelia is a villain. She does however know Ophelia is walking a darker path, due to her life, and her Quirk, and she is accepting of the fact, while keeping herself ignorant of what Ophelia actually does to protect their friendship, and to try and help save her.


Karin Nagamine Despite the age difference, Karin and Ophelia are absolute best friends, enough to consider one another sisters. They met when Ophelia was ten, and brought to the Nagamine Research Facility, to be researched on for her admittance to UA. Karin was Ophelia's first friend, and one of the only people who knows about Ophelia's entire history, and accepts her, and loves her as is.


Childhood- Born to Audrey Lovelle, and Toby Lovelle, Ophelia was a source of joy. The pair had been unable to conceive a child for quite a long time, until Ophelia arrived. Her mother's Quirk is to see five seconds into the future, and her father can speak to anything inanimate that has metal in it. However, once Ophelia's Quirk started to show, coming in at full strength, unlike most small children, quickly their precious girl became a danger. Quickly her parents grew fearful of her having such a dangerous, and uncontrollable Quirk. They tried everything in the USA, to help their daughter, until at the tender age of seven, for her safety, she was locked up in the house's basement. Though dangerous, her parents still loved Ophelia, and every day would go down and work on her education. Because they had a plan. UA had agreed to take on Ophelia when she turned 15, however only if she was sent to Nagamine Research Facility, so there could be a bit more of an understanding of her Quirk. So at age ten, Ophelia was sent to Japan, by herself. Her parents had given up custody of her, for everyone's safety.
Nagamine Research Facility-  Ophelia was sent to Nagamine Research Facility, at the tender age of ten, entirely by herself. She spent five years here, for constant testing. This is where Ophelia met Karin, and befriended her. During those years, Karin was Ophelia's only source of joy, during those lonely times. Constantly, Ophelia would tell Karin how she kept the madness at bay, how she was her only friend in the world. The pair became as inseparable as they could be, until Ophelia was released to the care of UA. She still went back for weekly testing, and to see her friend, until Karin vanished, presumed dead, and her family was murdered. After this, Ophelia refused to return to the testing facility.  
Time at UA- Ophelia did absolutely terrible in her time at UA, when it came to her Quirk. Academically, she was one of the top scores in the school, however in the year and a half she spent at UA, she made no progress on learning to control her Quirk. If anything, she had grown worse. She quickly became a danger to everyone else, and herself, to the point that the school asked her to leave, to save her from being expelled.
After UA- After leaving the school, Ophelia was lost. Her faith in Heroes broken, as no agency would take her on, because of how much of a liability she was. So, Ophelia started down a darker path, searching for a Villain organization that would take her in, that would accept her, in all of her chaotic glory. But at every corner, she was turned away, for the same reasons as the Heroes gave her. So, Ophelia returned to the only place that was ever close to a home for her. Nagamine Research Facility.  Slowly, during the next year, Ophelia went more and more insane, as the scientists attempted to concoct a remedy to help her, using Karin's files. They succeeded in a way, creating a pill for Ophelia, called, Alphamorphicloprax. Although, Ophelia refers to them fondly as her "Chill Pills". They do help control her Quirk, to not go off unless she activates it. However, she needs to constantly up her dosage for it to work, as her body adjusts to it too rapidly. As well, the Chill Pills make Ophelia hallucinate and hear voices.

Quirk - Chaos

  • Chaos is an aptly named Quirk, for Ophelia. It is technically a mimicry Quirk, though far from normal, and truly nobody really could even figure that out. Chaos constantly goes on within her body, as her Quirk tries to mimic any other Quirks within a 5 mile radius of Ophelia. Constantly being surrounded by people, her Quirk tries to adapt to all of the other Quirks around her, causing it to go off sporadically, even if Ophelia is not using it, or controlling it. It is a total surprise on what she is going to do, or when, and it has taken a massive toll on Ophelia's physical, and mental health. Her Quirk does rely somewhat on her mentality, and is known to become even more chaotic when she is emotionally unstable.
  • She can "control" each Quirk that Chaos provides her, though only for a maximum of 45 seconds, and there can only be a limit of six total Quirks affecting her at once.

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