


4 years, 8 months ago


"The thing ya need to know about hunting is that it's slow, yet quick. It's boring, yet thrilling; and I live for that contradiction!" - Onimaru

Full Name: Ignus Sensho

  • Alias: Onimaru (鬼丸)

Age: 25 

Height: 6' 0"

Weight: 179 Ibs

Species: Galuhum

  • Type: Geom (Type C: Mandrill)

Gender: Male (Heterosexual)

Date of birth: Unknown 

Occupation: Mercenary

  • Type: Family (Pre-Rodata Incident), Rogue (Post-Rodata Incident)

Guild: Unica Men-At-Arms

  • Rank: Member

- Lore Tidbit -

- "Onimaru was originally meant to be enlisted in the military by his father, Jaruza, but he ran away from home."

One Word to Define "Onimaru"Sadomasochistic


Ruthless, psychotic, and bloodthirsty. These are the surface level things that describe Onimaru the best as he was bred for the battlefield and only the battlefield. He was raised by his single father to be a Grade-A weapon of the military, but they never got the chance to experience his prowess due to his desire to avoid being put under complete lock and key. The freedom to do whatever he wanted is what Onimaru kept very clear when he encountered and joined Leifer's Guild, Unica Men-At-Arms. Any attempt to suppress that freedom will result in death, which was the unfortunate fate of his father who neglected to raise Onimaru to be a normal person. 

Onimaru prides himself in humiliating his opponents and showcasing that he is the stronger one of the two so long as he has fun doing it. If that is ever stripped away from him and he loses, he will have a surprising sense of respect, but will make it clear that he will remain in his ways. This paints Onimaru as a rather simple creature, but even with this simplicity dwells a sliver of humanity that remains dormant underneath the ocean of violence and bloodshed, something that Brandt eventually uncovers as they continue to run into each other.

Song to Describe "Onimaru": Bring the Pain by Mindless Self Indulgence