


4 years, 11 months ago


Some stuff about her:

  • She is 5'1"
  • She's 25 years old
  • Her hoodie is like Guzma's, but it has long sleeves, and there are blue and yellow triangles inside the white ones on the sleeves
  • She has golden Team Skull logo stud earrings
  • She wears a white tanktop under her hoodie, and it has a black "X" on it, similar to how the grunts have theirs
  • Her pants are like Plumeria's, but, similar to the hoodie, there is blue and yellow triangles where the zigzag dips in
  • She doesn't always have the bandanna covering her mouth; she'll sometimes tie it around her forehead or have it off completely
  • Her hair is tipped black, and goes down to about even with her chest
  • Has black eyeliner done to look like lightning bolts
  • She has an older brother named Lightning
  • She is a Team Skull Admin
  • Hopes to lead Team Skull one day
  • Has a fondness of doing graffiti
  • Sometimes acts a bit childish
  • Is always very optimistic
  • Grunts love her for her silly antics
  • Loves memes and references them a lot
  • Most of the time she'll eat healthy, but when she eats sweets, she'll eat so much she'll go on a sugar rush
  • According to some of the grunts, she, along with a few others, were snorting ground-up Smarties, but Thunder denies this ever happened
  • Also, one time, when she  had too much sugar in addition to some alcohol, she jumped onto Guzma's shoulders and yelled, "I WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD!" She was excused for this since everyone knew she was drunk and on a sugar rush.
  • Before she joined Team Skull, she sneaked into Po Town and did graffiti on one of the walls. It was of Guzma, with the words "Ya smexy boi" underneath. The grunts respected her for being willing to do such a thing, and she was welcomed into the team, though with much questioning from Guzma. That image is still there to this day.