Mayaku Zonbi



4 years, 6 months ago


.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. ⊱ ─────────────────────────────── {.⋅ ♛ ⋅.} ────────────────────────────── ⊰ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.

"Shoot me or leave me alone"
⚝ Basics ⚝

♛ Name:  Mayaku Zonbi 

♛ Nicknames: Bun, Bunny

♛  Gender: Male 

♛ Age: 22

♛  Species: Zombie 

♛ Cause of death: Overdose

♛ Sexuality: Bisexual

"I eat brains, which means you're safe"  

⚝ Personality ⚝

♛ Normal Mood: Really chill, don't let him see Urlo

♛ Likes: Bunny, Gore, Pills, 

♛  Dislikes: Dating, Winter/Cold weather, Dark colors

♛ Fears: Sarmassophobia 

♛ Soft spots: Bunny, Stuffed Animals 

♛ Habits: Eating when angry

"I have this headache that comes and goes. Oh look headache is back"

⚝ Relationships

♛ Mother: Unnamed Mother

♛ Father: Unnamed Father

♛ Sibling/Siblings: No siblings

♛ Friend(s): Urlo

s♛ Love interest: N/A

"I'm slowly decreasing in the sanity level."

⚝ Life Style

♛ Hobbies: Yelling at Urlo, Reading 

♛ Talents: Playing guitar

♛ Occupation: N/A

♛ Location: ???

"It'll be a good day if I don't see Urlo."

⚝ History

His human name was Mayu Cargo, Due to a mental illness Mayu was born with,this one lead the young boy into the world of overdose as a 'pacifer' to his hallucinations and voice. One day those ones were too loud,and due to panic to make them stop he  fall into death alike many others who uses the same subject. He had met his friend Urlo by an accident, accidentally buying the vip backstage pass. He was trying to look, he isn't very good at any electronics. Not wanting to waste any money, he went to this concert, he enjoyed music.The guy was brighter than his personality, going back stage made history. He made friends with Urlo. Common nicknames for Urlo is Feral Animal and Headache. Most common case of him staying home is Urlo always finds himself inside, Mayaku is a super chill guy like you can stab him he'll be fine, he's fine with anything. He's not really good in the dating department and hates to think about crushes. He's scared to date anyone, and would rather just stay friends. He tends to eat a lot when Urlo's around, Urlo is always doing something stupid and it makes him mad. Mayaku has at least three stuffed rabbits in his room, names are fluffy, stinky, and rotten. He tends to have violent mood swings, he can go from being fine to about to cry in about .3 seconds. 

.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. ⊱ ─────────────────────────────── {.⋅ ♛ ⋅.} ────────────────────────────── ⊰ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.