Star-Speaker Storm



4 years, 8 months ago


 Character from:

 Full title: Star-Speaker Painter of the Storms, of the Lilies.

    Name: Storm


    Gender: Female

    Birthdate: November 5th, 2014

 Colony: Lily Colony

    Role: Star-Speaker

    Marks of Honor:

    Other Paint Marks:

Physical Description:

    Physical Health: 85%

    Build: Broad, heavy, and muscular - very masculine and built for battle.  She has large paws and claws that can hit hard, but a long tail with a tufted end that works great for balance and tripping opponents.

    Coat color: Gray bengal with a few stripes

    Coat length: Medium with fluffy spots on neck, underside, and other places.

    Voice: Androgynous and can be taken as a higher male, she's learned to project and be loud.

    Scent: Like a fresh rainstorm with salty wind from the sea.
    Ban traits/mutations: bengal/spotted, long claws,


    Star-speaker Storm was a natural leader from the moment she crossed into Lily territory so long ago, stopping at nothing to achieve her goals and never straying from her beliefs.  Efficiency and strategy are two values held close to her heart, but her need for efficiency can manifest as impatience or mistake for those who need time to think as disinterested or stupid.  Still, she has a lot of drive and ambition, wanting to mold the world to best suit her colony. She loves her colony fiercer than a mother would love her kittens, though this can blind her when it comes to helping other colonies if it doesn’t directly benefit her own.  Storm is very confident and strong-willed, never doubting her plans or feeling anxious about an upcoming gathering, though this can sometimes lead to her being very stubborn and wanting to solve problems her way and her way only. This might stem from her incredibly perfectionist view on the world, expecting everyone to give their 120% and rarely giving out compliments unless she is very truly impressed… which isn’t very easy.  While she would prefer to function as a perfect machine, her wandering thoughts and impractical ideas are always first to cross her mind when she discovers something new or unexpected.  Her strong confidence in herself and the skills of her colony can sometimes lead her to be a bit of a diva, though it all stems from her love of the colony mates and perfectionism. Unfortunately, all of these traits that build her as a strong and steady leader can be twisted by grief and heartbreak, leading her ambition down a path of revenge if she can’t keep hold of her emotions and rational thinking.

    Positive traits: Passionate, fiercely loyal, protective, perfectionist, ambitious, bold, strong-willed, strategic, efficient, independent.


    Negative traits: Stubborn, suspicious of strangers, dominant, impatient, diva, arrogant, poor at handling emotions, ruthless.  When she doesn't have her thoughts and emotions locked down, she can be quite the dreamer and many "stupid" wonders can cross her mind - even if she'd never dare to say such "immature" things out loud.  Manipulative as fuck.



    Painter of the Storms, or Storm as she is commonly known, was born and raised near the border of the Lily Colony to her mother, Song of the River.  River was a former kittypet that was used in a breeding program to create cats with the rosetted tabby coat without having any genetics of an Asian Leopard Cat.  After many litters of kittens, River was fed up with raising kits, only to have them taken away. While originally being called by her owners ‘Missy’, she decided to leave her past life behind and take up a new name.  With a new name and identity, River fled all traces of human society, eventually ending up near the territories. It was a very stormy Newleaf night that Storm was born, the night before Storm’s birth River had a dream of her silver kit drawing her paw across the clouds, creating storms like pawprints would create shapes in the mud.  

   Storm grew up an only child, learning hunting, fighting, and herb healing from her mother.  While occasionally catching far-off glimpses of the strange group of cats, she was curious, but also fearful of the strange and unknown.  One night, when she was around a year old, she had a dream of the strange cats. She dreamt of companionship and protection. While she shook her head and laughed at the thought, internally she seriously considered talking to one of the strange cats.


   Storm was approached by the previous Star Speaker, saying that although late, she was to become their apprentice... if they accepted.  She said that she needed to think it over a night, but internally she knew what her decision would be. She spent the night discussing it with her mother and grooming one another for what would probably be the last time.  Storm trained as an apprentice, learning the ways of the Lily Colony and immersing herself in their culture. While she was not chosen at birth as custom, she learned quickly and tried to act the perfect colony member, though never forgetting her loner mother.  Her previous mentor died when she was around 2.5 years old.


   At almost three years old, she has mourned the death of the previous Star Speaker and risen to the rank of spiritual leader.  While internally terrified at first, she tried to remain steady pawed on the outside.  During her first year or so of leadership, she struggled with relationship and fell in love with Opal, only to accidentally reject her.  By the time she realized her feelings for Opal and confessed her feelings, Opal had moved on.  Their friendship was completely ruined.  Her old friend, Cowrie, had soon become her enemy and they spent a lot of time tearing eachother into pieces.  She started a war out of vengeance and faked a sign from The Stars, mad with grief and manipulating Hawthorne into becoming her Yes-Man.  She was blood-thirsty and ruthless during these months, earning herself many scars and a split tail.  Later on, she spent many months holed up in her den and forcing her colony to exist without leadership, communicating with her old mentor and meditating.
    By the time she had emerged, she had gotten over most of her grief and resolved to sacrifice anything and anyone to protect her colony, not allowing herself to grieve over the death of her old friend, Cowrie.  When Moon prophecized the coming of an ancient evil, the Red Fire, she made Hawthorne her second in command and desperately tried to convince all of her fellow leaders to stop the war she had started.  She was fine with manipulating the emotions and protectiveness of her peers so that her own colony could be safe and come out of the coming hellfire unscathed.