


8 years, 1 month ago



NAME Vanche

AGE 6672 at death (Average Life Expectancy: 8500)

RACE Demon


SEXUALITY Straight (Married)

BIRTHDAY June 15th



PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION About average height for a female demon, and average weight for her body type. Large bust. Her face is always in a smile, unless she's reprimanding her sons, but she's been told she 'has a very cute face' by practically everyone. She has black hair with green streaks in it, which seems to be natural, and green eyes. He ears are pointy like most demons, and she has green metallic plates on them as a sign that she is part of the royal family. The shoes she wears do not have heels, but large platforms on the forward half, so that she has to constantly balance, which is something she does with ease. She can stand flatfoot on them. Rarely, if ever, takes out her wings/etc. Supposedly they resembled Ossein's.

PERSONALITY Extremely motherly to all, even those who aren't her own children. Well liked by everyone because of this. She's incredibly nice, if not a little too much so, as she was never seen as a threat to her children, except that she had Osirin to back her up on everything. As a queen, she took political matter seriously when they arose. She kept a level head and liked to think that she could see both sides of any given argument, though it was evident that she had a cave-in for children and those less fortunate. She was described as moving around and speaking with elegance, so much that any room she entered was immediately covered in grace. After having her twins, she wanted them to grow up doing what they loved, but also wanted the best for them.

BACKSTORY I'll start with her views on her children.

She loved Ivory and Ossein very much, and wanted only the best for them. When Ossein came to show proficiency in music, she went all out tryin to encourage him to pursue the hobby. In high school, when he expressed it as a career interest, she was hesitant as she knew the industry would either love him or hate him, and pushed for him to try something else first. When her pushing failed, almost backfired, even, as Ossein had begun a sort of rebellious stage, she did a complete 180 and tried to do anything she could to push him to his best with his music.

Vanche was also a little wary of Ivory's passtimes. He was much more intelligent than his brother, and she always took pride in his academic accomplishments. However, she was always a little concerned with how his body was holding up. Having floating arms was unheard of prior to Ivory and Ossein's birth. Ossein didn't have too much trouble with it, controlling his limbs well enough since birth and eventually having Ivory tie them down for him, but Ivory was a tad reckless. Vanche interpreted this as him not having complete control over his arms, and would always ask if he wanted doctors to investigate the cause. Ivory always said no, and while she respected that, she and Osirin always investigated from the shadows. When he began to sew, at a young age, she encouraged him as a way for him to measure control over his arms. She quickly saw that he was improving every day, and tried to enroll him in an extracurricular facility that would help him improve even more so. She was only a little bit hurt when he refused to go more than once, but accepted his decision nonetheless. She was a huge help with finding a space for Ivory's shop, and always wanted him to expand and improve it. She is very proud of her son, though always wondered if he would have done better in a research field.

As for Serion, her husband's son from another marriage, she didn't see him too often. When they did talk, they spoke less as parent-and-son and more as acquaintences. Vanche always tried to treat him as her own, though Serion didn't seem to want any of it ("I have a mom. Sorry.") She tried her best to respect his wishes, but always found herself asking him things like "have you had enough to eat today?" "are you feeling well?" "how is school/work going?" and "have you spoken to your brothers recently?". Serion liked her, but was a little off-put by these sorts of things.

Last but not least, Osirin. Their story isn't one of any particular romance. They met a few times, very very gradually got to know each other, and eventually fell in love. She's always admired his actions from a political stand-point, and admittedly thought upon first meeting him that he was too uptight and hard to talk to, but while getting to know him she learned that this was mostly just a front for work. The two got married, eventually had two kids, and she learned her place in palace life.

At death, she lived to be 6672. This was strange to most that knew her, as she seemed to be perfectly healthy happy, not to mention she was expected to live to be around 8500. Osirin was the most upset, despite not showing it, and still thinks about her in every simple decision he makes. Many suspected some sort of foul play, though there aren't many leads. Osirin has been investigating her death for a long time, and nothing about it really makes sense at this point. It's very subtle, but his children have noticed that he's started trying to get more into their lives since she passed.




Of all characters thus far, she is ranks 9th by strength. (Though when her motherly instincts kick in, she could rise to 1st)

Stella would probably appreciate her, but she nor Charin ever met Vanche.

She is the main reason Osirin is taking care of Sho.

She's a descendant of the Emporess, though nobody would actually know this.