


4 years, 7 months ago


Name: Twistedslip.

Age: Anywhere from 6-24 moons.

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: Pansexual.

Role: Warrior of Riverclan.

Appearance: A skinny, tall tom with short sleek fur and a long tail. He’s a dark grey cat with some darker grey spots and greyish green eyes. His back leg is twisted and broken beyond repair.

Personality: Twistedslip is a shy, skittish young tom who’s known to be generally quite worried. He’s rather self-conscious and doesn’t like to stand out. He hates how his injury holds him back and he doesn’t like accepting help because it makes him feel like he’s bringing someone down. Despite all this, he’s generally a nice cat and can be super empathetic. He’s especially good with shy, nervous kits.

Brief History: Owlkit was born with a weak back paw, but it wasn’t completely broken until he was ironically carried away by an owl as a young and dropped, resulting in him getting a mangled back leg. His name was changed from Owlpaw to Twistedpaw. After his injury he wasn’t allowed to swim. One day he snuck away from his mentor Spiderstripe, and fell in the river. Without being able to use his back paw, he almost drowned. Thankfully, Spiderstripe saved him. Afterwards he dedicated himself to becoming a warrior and eventually was made into a warrior. As a warrior, he started conversing with a spirit called Foxtail who tried to convince him StarClan was evil. He believed her for a bit, but eventually stopped listening to her.

Relationships: Spiderstripe - Twistedslip’s mentor, he looks up to her despite being slightly afraid of her. Foxtail - The spirit who tried to convince him that StarClan was evil, Twistedpaw originally believed her and feared her but now he just feels sad for her.

Commission Notes: His back paw is twisted. Because it was broken and “fixed” poorly, there’s some missing fur and it’s very much twisted. Feel free to go as gory or as cartoony with this as you like!

Character Log: Designed by me on the 6th of June 2019.

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