


4 years, 8 months ago


Mention of death below.


  • previous names:
    • fidgetkit.
    • fidgetpaw.
    • fidgetfeather.
  • name:
    • wrenstar.
  • nicknames:
    • wren.
  • gender:
    • trans female.
  • age:
    • 34 moons.
    • 3 years.
  • pronouns:
    • she/her.
  • rank:
    • leader.
  • belief:
    • starclan is true && will guide her clan’s paws. even if they can’t prevent the cruelties of this world, they’ve done so much.
  • allegiance:
    • (CLAN).
  • sexuality:
    • demi.
  • personality:
    • +
      • humorous.
      • eloquent.
      • loyal.
    • -
      • repentant.
      • stiff.
      • cautious.
    • =
      • strict.
      • religious.
      • determined.
  • insight:
    • A rather friendly cat, open to any talk - whether kit or elder. She tends to carry herself with an air of grace, doing her best to appear as calm && collected. She's quite close to her clan, openly going out with her apprentice as often as she can get away with. Though like any Leader, she can be strict, preferring things to go as things have always traditionally been done. With careful planning && belief in their ancestors.
  • hp:
    • 5.
  • strength:
    • 4.
  • defense:
    • 4.
  • senses:
    • 4.
  • stealth:
    • 4.
  • starclan belief:
    • 5.
  • strength:
    • calm-headed.
    • strength of will.
    • determined.
  • weakness:
    • aversion to fighting.
    • stubborn.
    • blunt.
  • fears:
    • dying too soon, accomplishing nothing.
    • abandonment.
    • backstabbing deputy.
  • skills:
    • -
      • Fighting.
      • Swimming.
    • +
      • Climbing.
      • Defense.
      • Fishing.
    • =
      • Hunting.
      • Jumping.


  • 0-6.

Fidgetkit was born to a polyamorous couple, Flamedance, her father, had taken two mates. All the cats are deeply in love && promising to raise whatever kits they may have had as siblings. Wrenkit, her elder sister, had been born first to Galewing - leaving the gray-striped tabby alone in a normally filled nursery. Fidgetkit was born not a week after, leaving the two kittens rather close in age. Fidgetkit, despite being younger, opened her eyes first.

The two were the talk of (CLAN)for a long time, after all, polyamorous couple’s were somewhat rare, && both cats had a litter of one? Even rarer. Wrenkit strived under the attention, openly enjoying it && becoming quite the social butterfly. Fidgetkit, on the other hand, spent her time watching the less talkative warriors train. As long as someone, usually Flamedance, was with her - both moms accepted the kitten could go out for as long as she could. Usually only a few hours, sometimes longer, often longer if there was battle training to be had.

With how often she was out with Flamedance she got quite close to his newest apprentice, Coyotepaw - Flamedance promising Fidgetkit being his first apprentice. After all, she often sat in on the duo’s training sessions. She was well acquainted with how the brown-pelted feline operated. Often chatting with her sister after sitting in on what her mom’s allowed. Wrenkit seemed surprised, how interested she was already, but could somewhat understand? After all, she’d been talking to Coyotepaw’s sibling. Jackalpaw.

  • 6-12.

That saying, Fidgetpaw, while promised to Coyoteroar then, was still a younger warrior && was deemed unfit to have an apprentice after an incident involving a near-drowning. Instead, Fidgetpaw was given to Lilystride - a far more patient if soft warrior. Wrenpaw, apprenticed at the same time - purposely waiting until Fidgetpaw had been old enough, was given to Hollytail. The medicine cat. Perhaps she’d simply not been told? But why would Wrenpaw hide something like that from her?

Fidgetpaw had been disappointed && shocked even when had Wrenpaw showed any interest in healing? Stunned, unable to question her sister, was quickly pulled away by Lilystride. The first issue, border. It was best for a young cat to learn their territories quickly && as fast as they could. After all, who knew who dangers hid behind the safeguarded rock walls? As she was forced to trot away, Fidgetpaw threw one look after her shoulder - Wrenpaw meeting her eyes steady. It seemed to hold promise.

“I’ll tell you later.”

Beyond that, nothing else seemed to occur, for a long while. While Wrenpaw stayed in the medicine den Fidgetpaw took the time to practice her social skills. After all, these were the cats she entrusted her life with - && them in hers. At least the other apprentices were kind, knowing full well how awkward it was without a littermate, especially one as close as Wren && Fidget had been. At least she’d finally been told the reason.

“I don’t want to fight, Fidget, I’m scared something might happen to you.”

Then came their first gathering. Fidgetpaw hadn’t recalled her sister being so relaxed, perhaps medicine life truly suited her? Surrounded by other clans, the life of the party as always - though more graceful. Good on Hollytail. && yet - she couldn’t help, but feel a twinge of regret, her sister growing so much while Fidgetpaw stayed so stagnant. Lilystride, an elder in her years, would say otherwise.

Did say otherwise, passing during the night in a bought of sudden sickness - Hollytail && Wrenpaw claiming bad prey. How could a prey kill a cat in prime health? Fidgetpaw stayed silent. Her parents comforted her that night. Jackalpaw, she later learned to be Lilystride’s son, mourned. The following days’ bellyaches proved Wrenpaw’s theory true, something must’ve been bad with the prey. Strange.

From then on, she spent her time with Jackalpaw, worried. It was prey - but only the blackbirds. How… strange. In a nearly humorous action, the leader named Coyoteroar her mentor. It seemed Flamedance’s promise was finally fulfilled. Said he-cat was thrilled in fact.

The rest of her apprenticeship went smoothly, Jackalpaw tagging along - the pair sharing stories of their parents, siblings, && goodness knew how much more. Coyoteroar could do without sharing stories of him though.

  • 12-20.

The first night, Fidgetfeather spent with her warrior’s vigil with Jackaltooth - much to Wrenpaw’s delight. The medicine cat apprentice had loved teasing her for her continued friendship with the elder tom, “Are you sure you’re only friends?” Goodness. That girl. How could she simply assume that they were - romantically inclined with each other? They were good friends! Goodness. Even if his company was delightful.

Delightful enough to consider going on night patrol together one night - simply to talk, though that was cut quite short by the sudden sound of a scuffle. What? Now? When the medicine cats were out - when - Wrenpaw. Sending Jackaltooth back to fetch a patrol, she could hardly recall the exact happenings after. Only the badger - the badger thing that had Wrenpaw by the throat. The blood welled up. The body thudding downwards. && her sister, her precious sister who hadn’t even been granted her full name, gone. She hardly remembered the company coming, Jackaltooth back at her side. Going back to camp. The horrid fur between her claws.

Her sister’s body was cleaned by Hollytail, Galewing, && Lightningbreeze. Flamedance digging the grave. For as long as Fidgetfeather could stay awake, Jackaltooth && the rest of her family stayed by her side. && that’s how it had been for a long time after.

Though age, as it does, came for all cats. Flamedance perished one night, eyes stolen, && left bleeding. A horrid sight. Galewing && Lightningbreeze mourned as lovers did.

Fidgetfeather was forced to watch as age came similarly for Galewing… at least Lightningbreeze passed in her elder years, claiming she could see the two cats she loved so much. Waiting. “Don’t go!”

“Your sister wants you to know she loves you. As do I, Gale, && Lightning do.”

  • 20-39.

Alone, alone if not for Jackaltooth in the nursery. Carrying their kits. Fidgetfeather, the deputy then, strongest of her generation (so Jackaltooth said) - humbled by tragedies- constantly visited the Den Father, adoring. The last of their blood.

Coyoteroar passed in a sudden battle. At least he’d gotten to see the kits before they passed.

She could say nothing, so much had happened in her long life, Jackaltooth passing from birth - her kits not surviving. But only Starclan knew why she could remain still standing despite having so much taken from her.

Their aging medicine cat did as well.

“I give you your first life, Endurance.” Flamedance’s head touched her own’s. Rough - adrenaline. Patience.

“Your second, Courage.” Lightningbreeze’s eyes gleamed, her warmth burning. Fire. Keep going.

“Your third, Healing,” Galewing barely touched her nose, the flicker of touch. The imagined hugs && kisses of a mother.

“Your fourth. Mentoring,” Coyoteroar seemed to bark at his own joke. She reached to touch their nose with him. The memory of a promise.

“Fifth. Wisdom.” Robinkit - the first not to survive. So small, dappled in spots. Forced to lift herself by her hind legs alone. They were safe now.

“Mom - I mean, sixth. Faith!” Sparrowkit, brown pelted all over except for her face. Pure white. They’d always be waiting, watching over.

“Seventh. Understanding.” Larkkit whispered, simply touching his paw to hers. They loved her but were sorry they couldn’t be.

“I give you your eighth. Determination.” Jackaltooth murmured, touching noses with hers. He’d watch over the kits until she came home.

“&& your ninth,” graceful - calm. Waiting. As if she knew all along, “Love. My dearest sister.” Touching foreheads with Wrenpaw. “I’m here. I’m glad nothing happened to you.” She was alive. She loved living.

Wrenstar, then, renamed in honor of her sister. Her family soared. Said nothing that night. Instead, running over her family’s hopes && dreams in her heart. Wrenstar.

“Wrenstar! Wrenstar!”

other relations.

  • former mentor:
    • Lilystride. deceased.
    • Coyoteroar. deceased.
  • current:
    • N/A.
  • apprentice(s):
    • n/a.
  • former apprentice(s):
    • poolpaw. Left to work as new medicine cat.
  • family:
    • mother:
      • Galewing. deceased.
    • mother:
      • lightningbreeze. (wrenstar’s.) Deceased.
    • father:
      • flamedance. deceased.
    • sibling:
      • wrenpaw. gale’s. deceased.
    • mates:
      • jackaltooth. deceased.
    • kits, adopted or otherwise:
      • robinkit. deceased.
      • sparrowkit. deceased.
      • larkkit. deceased.


  • Pelt description:
    • Black fully except for the white tufts at the end of her ears.
    • A splotch on her chest, white.
    • At the end of her tail, a dip of white, a smaller dot of white as well.
    • A white splash in the shape of a scar.
    • && her fore right paw. Two twos white.
    • Silken fur, medium length.
  • Eye Color(s):
    • Red eyes.
  • Other features:
    • A lighter black mask on her face.
