Misty Lightning



4 years, 6 months ago


Type: Weather drop

Eyes: Shining eyes
Ears: Inorganic [ elemental crystal ]
Horns: tiny
Tail: Heart
Wings: Inorganic [elemental crystal]
Body: Glowing marks [pale]

Jelly taste: Ozone

Age of death: 20

Age since being reborn: 6 years

Current Master: None


Do n...se...ell...!

...et...awa...rom m...!

I only wanted to practice my magic but apparently I cannot. I'm sorry...

Uncontrollable feelings and an uncontrollable me. I come and go with the storms and bring rains and thunder with each step. Lightning crashes, burnt ozone filling the air, I've wandered for so long without a respite and people know me. Fear me. Hate me, I dare say. I cannot help that I don't know how to wield this...I cannot help I don't know what to do. Die again? Perhaps, perhaps not. Yet, now...I can use my magic indiscriminately, without the hate. The hate that continues to follow me. No matter, let me come and go with the storms as much as they come and go with me.

Misty Lightning at my fingertips...