Azra Rose



7 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Azrael Maria Rose






Femme Non-Binary (They/Her)


23 (19 before time cut)


5'1" (4'6" before time cut)






Jazmin Bean


Basically a housewife


Kat Enam (Girlfriend), Will Enam (Best Friend), Jenny/Darlene/Emmet (Adoptive Parents)



 Azra is just below average height for a Glasskin female, standing at 5'1". Their thighs are soft and squishy on the outside, hiding their muscle. While they have immense leg and abdominal strength, they have weak noodle arms but they can support their own body weight. They have large eyes and a button nose. Saying they have eyes isn't accurate as they have panes of glass where their sclera would be. Despite lacking eyes, people have claimed they can feel when Azra is watching them. Like other Glasskins, Azra has large canines. Azra's lips are fairly plump and their mouth resembles a cat's owo mouth. They wear pink lip gloss all the time. Their hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes is dark grey and their skin is pale, light grey with their cheeks always being a light pink. They have a small birthmark on the upper section of their right cheek. At 19, their hair was at chin level with wavy curtain bangs that reach their chin and hug their cheeks and they had 2 tufts of hair on their forehead that resembled tarantula fangs. Their hair is very wavy with curls that literally defy gravity. Above their hairline, they have a large floating hair charm. Azra has two black stud piercings on both their earlobes. By 21, they began to have noticeable shadows under their eyes from a mix of sleeping too much and not sleeping enough.

As they got older (23), their time away from the Mirror District has left them with less energy. Their bangs got messier and their hair was cut even shorter. Their eyelids are more relaxed and they squint way more, making their large eyes seem smaller. They begin wearing skirts and higher socks more often and instead of Mary janes they now wear heeled boots. After moving back to the Mirror District, their energy comes back but everything except their facial expressions stayed the same.


Growing up, Azra was known to be fond of monsters and weary around other Glasskin children their age, except their younger cousin. They were cold and distant towards their father and mother but showed love to the monsters that worked for the family, who would eventually become their adoptive parents. After meeting Kat and Will, a new side of them was shown. They were energetic and silly, encouraging Kat and Will to join them in games and activities they never got to do with other Glasskins. They never showed their intelligent and serious side because it was more fun to be stupid than to be a buzzkill. They were obsessed with monsters due to the fact they were raised in a sheltered community, locked away from the outside world. After moving, everything was new to them. They reacted to everything with childlike wonder, whether it be something minor like colorful flowers or something more interesting like discovering a species they'd never seen before. They're friendly towards everyone and try to find something positive in everything. When they feel they can't trust a person on their first encounter, they act shy just to have an excuse to get away from them, although this rarely happens. They're well aware of their uncontrollable Glasskin charm and it does annoy them sometimes. When they're upset or just angry for no reason, they go mute and make faces until it passes. It's a trait they developed as a child. When they're extremely angry or pushed too far while upset, they will yell and get physically violent. While in their mid teens, they learned to hide their personal information and travel under fake identities. As of late teens, they were still curious, sweet, and affectionate towards their friends but under their goofy cover, they were mature with a strong moral compass. When with people they trusted, they can be honest and pessimistic, expressing how much hatred they felt towards their biological parents growing up, feeling guilty for being so obsessed with Kat and Will as a child, and regretting starting relationships with people they knew they couldn't stay with and accidentally hurting the people they cared about after they left. Azra is more than capable of defending themselves but they try to avoid it as they quickly grow violent. After returning to the Mirror District at 23, they are much more confident and don't hesitate to confront others, especially the people that bullied them. They were not quick to forgive the people that hurt them and brought the knowledge they got from outside to the Mirror District, giving them an upper hand in several things.


    Azra was born as a member of a rare and under-documented species, Glasskins. They were born in the Central of the Mirror District and their parents didn't want to take care of another child, so they were dumped onto Jenny and were raised by her, Emmet, and Darlene. Their whole family consists of successful people and Azra was raised with high expectations. Their "biological" parents didn't want their child to be seen as a talentless loser because they had a reputation to uphold, so as young as 5, their parents signed them up for multiple extracurriculars to give them a chance to find some kind of talent with Jenny teaching them how to defend themselves on the side. Once, James let his kids come along on his way to work with Sasha ready to take them home after dropping James off. James was a housekeeper for Azra's father. Before James could say goodbye to his kids, Azra (Age 6) got a peek at his children and basically became feral, asking James a million questions; asking if they could play, trying to get a better look, trying to touch them. They were a little freak because Azra had never seen monsters their age in the Mirror District. After asking Kat and Will if they'd be OK with having a playdate with his Azra, he asked Azra's father if it would be OK. He didn't really care. Kat and William were Azra's first best friends. When they found out the twins would be moving to America and going into public school, Azra would beg nonstop to go with them even though they weren't 18 yet, the age Glasskins are permitted to travel. When the twins and Azra were 12, they moved and had to leave Azra behind. For the next 4 years, Azra tormented their adoptive parents and everyone around them by throwing weekly tantrums and begging them to help them leave their home for America. While they looked bratty and entitled on the outside, they were extremely depressed and lonely on the inside. Their only friend was their younger cousin and they were bullied at school and abused at home by their "biological" mother. It took a while but after getting permission from the Glasskin council, at 15 they left the Mirror District with their adoptive parents and moved to America. The only problem was that no one knew where the Enam family had moved to since after a monster leaves the district, they are to cut contact with all Glasskins and never discuss their previous job. Azra spent months trying to find schools that had students with the last name, Enam. Eventually, they found what state they lived in, but not the city. After moving around cities for 3 years (and starting intimate relationships with a few people), James became a lawyer so his information became public, making finding him and his family a walk in the park. They were located on Missington, Nevada.

After 6 years, Azra, Kat, and William were finally reunited and quickly became best friends again, with Azra helping Kat and Will improve their sibling relationship and stopping their constant fighting. By this time, the twins were in university and lived on campus. Azra didn't want to enroll in the school but still wanted to experience public school with the twins so they just joined the school's cheerleading team and took the position of cheer captain after unintentionally humiliating the previous captain. Not long after Azra moved to Missington, Azra got Will and Kat to move into a townhouse close to the university, made possible with Azra's financial support. Azra hated the dorms and lack of privacy so they got the townhouse just to move Kat and Will into. With this new home, the three of them became completely independent from their parents. Azra's parents live about an hour away from their townhouse. Azra just lays around, maintaining the house and stopping Kat and Will's fighting by screaming. Once a year, Azra visits their previous partners to make sure they're doing okay and they're keeping Azra's true identity a secret. There's just one they never have to go back to and one they never WANT to go back to.

Strangely, along with Azra's presence after moving to Missington, they unintentionally brought a lot of trouble: jealous exes, revenge seeking strangers, and psycho stalkers. Azra was unaware that leaving the district would bring a lot of unwanted attention to both them, Kat and William, but the twins decided they'd rather stick together and deal with it as a group than have Azra move back home and have their trouble follow them and deal with it alone. Azra doesn't know why some people want to hurt them as a majority of people love Glasskins, but they don't want to stick around and find out so they're attempting to hide and wait it out. Why do people want to hurt Azra?




Glass Eyes: Azra's glass eyes are more than a cosmetic abnormality. Their eyes give them the ability to see the "truth." They can see those who can turn invisible and see past illusions made from magic. This means that while everyone else sees the mutant "Miss" as totally invisible, Azra can see her as if she were a normal human. Meaning when she's naked to be undetectable, Azra just sees a naked human woman. If one were to threaten them with the illusion of weapons made from magic, Azra could tell they were not real and wouldn't react like a normal person. Their glass eyes also allow them to see through disguises made from magic. They can see through any illusion magic. They can also see through blinding light. If a room they are in is suddenly flooded with so much light no one can see, Azra can still see everything just fine. They can look straight up at the sun and it'll just look like a white circle.

Glass Needles/Wands: Azra's ability that is unique to them is their glass needles. A small percentage of Glasskin can manifest glass into a personalized object or weapon, and Azra's take the form of needles and wands about the length of their forearm. The needles can be used as projectile explosives. When in combat and taking the offensive side, they manifest two needles and throw one at or near an opponent. Once Azra is ready, they will snap the needle they are still holding which will cause the separate needle to explode similarly to a Prince Rupert's drop but more violent. They can give the held needle to a friend to hold on to and if the friend were to snap it, the other will still explode but with less destruction. The wands look similar to the needles but are much thicker and Azra can only create one. Azra is special because they have 2 unique abilities while other Glasskin only have one. Azra can create glass shields but they have extreme difficulty controlling it so they taught themselves to use a wand to help. The wand doesn't help the shield manifest, it just helps Azra focus.

Agility: Due to them taking extracurriculars like gymnastics and acrobatics for years, they are incredibly nimble and agile and they have high endurance when running. They began classes when they were 5. They are so quick and light on their feet that their footsteps are hard to hear. They rely more on their speed and flexibility over strength. While Jenny did teach them how to fight, they have to take advantage of their small frame and quick reaction time over brute strength. Once they're trapped, they resort to cheap moves, mainly biting.

Quick Reaction TimeAzra is used to running away from people to avoid confrontation and they're sensitive to specific noises, like footsteps heading towards them and objects being thrown. They move faster than they can think which can be their greatest strength and weakness depending on the situation. Along with their agility and high endurance, they react to things quicker than the average person to avoid getting hurt or to avoid people before they can be noticed.

Sensitive Smell: As a child, Azra had a habit of smelling everything before touching, eating, or drinking it. They picked it up from their adoptive father, Emmet. This eventually taught them to notice when something smells off when no one else notices. They know when food has gotten old or was tampered with or flowers are dying even though they look fine. Azra can also tell when someone has an animal in the house despite the owner keeping the house as clean as possible. They can identify people through smell instead of appearance. In day-to-day life, this ability is pretty useless since it just makes them susceptible to common bad smells like B.O. and people's breath, or overpowering good smells like perfumes and candles.

Hammerspace Bag: Less of an ability and more like a tool they utilize in life that gives them great advantages in certain situations. When they turned 15 and moved out of the Mirror District, Jenny, their adoptive mother, gifted them a satchel imbued with years of built-up mana. The bag was special in that it could carry any object that could fit through the opening without affecting the weight and size of the bag. It appears to be full of fleece on the inside, but Azra can summon whatever they put inside by simply saying what they want and pulling it out. Whatever goes in the bag is "paused" and won't activate until it's taken out. Azra is unsure how much the bag can carry but there are definitely over 30 objects in the bag. If they don't specify what they want, they will pull out a random object. A few objects in the bag are a grenade ready to explode any second once taken out, mints, knives, spray paint, smoke bombs, water bottles (still cold), a 5 lb bag of sugar-free gummy bears, granola bars, morphine and a med kit. They also keep the Queen's crown in it. Occasionally, Azra will place something in their bag to use later... then completely forget about it. The largest object they managed to get into the bag was an inflated beach ball and the heaviest object they got into the bag was a 50 lb jade frog statue. Getting it in the bag was the hardest part. Bags like Azra's are extremely difficult to come by and are typically handmade by a powerful magic user, this case being Jenny, and gifted to a family member to be passed down in the future. An authentic one half as special as Azra's can cost up to a million dollars.

Queen's Crown: After meeting the Queen and being given a smaller version of her crown, they can use all of her powers by wearing it. To see all of the abilities given by the crown, please check the Queen's page.


Kat Enam

  Azra is Kat's girlfriend and best friend. Azra always loved Kat as a child but didn't understand it and didn't know what a lesbian was. Azra shows the most affection to Kat and considers her the most beautiful person in their life. Azra quite literally can't see them dating anyone else since their friendship started at a young age and Kat is the first person they ever truly fell in love with, completely ignoring the feelings they had for their past partners. Azra admires Kat's intelligence, willpower, and compassion. Azra is well aware Kat loves them for who they are, not what they are, and due to the fact she grew up around them, Kat is unaffected by their Glasskin charm. Kat loves them to the point that if they ever got severely injured, she would probably go berserk. Kat isn't normally a goofy person, but with Azra's influence, she got comfortable joking around and messing with Azra and Will. Azra likes to poke fun at Kat for being huge and intimidating but being a big softie when it comes to getting sweet with her own girlfriend. Azra sleeps in Kat's bed the most because Azra gets cold while Kat gets hot at night. While Kat is the heaviest sleeper in the household, Azra is the most successful in waking her up in under 5 minutes.

Will Enam

  Will and Azra are best friends and they hang out all the time. Azra sees Will as a brotherly figure and is one of the few people that is allowed to hold them. When Azra showed Kat and Will their glass eyes, Will was the first to comment on it. Will is willing to do almost anything to protect them and hates seeing them upset. Azra is equally emotional as Will and they cry to each other all the time. Will doesn't engage in as many fights between him and Kat but Azra still gives advice to the both of them but feels for Will more since he's more sensitive. Will is brutally honest with Azra and jokingly makes fun of them, mainly the way they eat and sleep. He also likes to poke fun at their height. Azra is physically intimate with Will but not in the same way they're intimate with Kat. Azra enjoys climbing him like a tree and requesting that he hold them when they're too lazy to walk. When they do "fight", it's never with malicious intent, it usually just involves Azra playing fighting with Will, in the same way, cats do (bopping each otherpouncing out of nowherewrestling, etc.) Azra usually wins and it makes them really happy. Sometimes when Azra gets up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, they'll walk to Will's room and sleep in his bed instead of Kat's. Once William began showing interest in Adrian, Azra showed a new side of them that nobody expected: jealousy.

 Random Facts 

  • Their nationality/race is left ambiguous for the reader to decide for themselves. There's no wrong answer
  • Their aura marking color is light pink, and they immediately notice when their mark on Kat or Will is disrupted
  • They unhinge their jaw when they eat food that's a little too big for their mouth
  • They probably have autism or ADHD, Idk I'm not a psychologist 
  • They don't know how bills work so they just give Kat money and let her do it
  • Azra hates going to the doctor. Before living with Kat and Will they haven't been to a doctor's office in 6 years
  • Their favorite sweet is white chocolate, which isn't technically chocolate
  • They really like salt licks, they crave that mineral. Kat has a Himalayan salt lamp that they lick at least 5 times a day. She didn't understand why her lamp was shrinking until she caught Azra licking it
  • They don't know how to ride a bike but they can drive. Somehow.
  • They try to bite their enemies
  • Azra has separation anxiety
  • They panic badly when cornered. Kat had to figure it out the hard way while playing Marco Polo when they were kids and Azra got cornered in the pool
  • They don't know how to drink out of glasses or cups, they always need to drink out of a bottle or use a straw. Will jokes that they always need something they can wrap their lips around
  • Like other Glasskins, when they're nervous, upset, or angry, their hair charm points down
  • Azra has a bite force closer to that of a dog
  • Their chest used to be drawn flat, mainly because drawing boobs is hard
  • They're primarily attracted to women with MILF energy
  • Kat claims they smell like vanilla
  • At one point they admit they're not sure why they use they/them pronouns, it just feels right
  • Because of their adoptive parents, they can speak bits of Mandarin, Thai, and Swedish. They're better at understanding it than speaking it. Can't write it but can read it well
  • While living in the Mirror District, they learned a decent amount of Spanish
  • Unlike Kat, who is properly trained to fight and properly defend herself even while in a desperate situation, Azra will not hesitate to fight dirty like a feral cat and will only care about protecting their eyes since a single crack is a death sentence
    • They don't forgive the Queen for abandoning them and were seething with hate when they found out she was their birth mother but they accept her as a mentor so they can use the crown properly


(Only continue if you just want to know everything and like plot twists)

Azra is the bastard child of Alexander and an unnamed Glasskin woman. When Avery (Alexander and Andrea's son) was 7, Alexander started seeing a different woman after taking too many years of emotional and mental abuse from Andrea and wanted to experience something better. The other woman knew he was married but was unmarried herself and didn't care. After a year, Alexander's mistress "accidentally" got pregnant with his child and kept it to full term, giving birth to Azrael. At first, his mistress desired children and was planning to keep and raise her unborn child herself, but soon after giving birth, she refused to keep the child and demanded Alexander take his child, go back to Andrea, and acknowledge his cheating. Andrea came to the hospital they were staying at but his mistress had already fled and left behind Alexander and their child. Enraged but refusing to divorce and disturb her reputation, allowed Alexander to come back and pretend Azrael was her biological child. Immediately after coming home, Andrea handed "her baby" to Jenny and let her do whatever she wanted, not caring if Azrael were to die or be taken away. Luckily, Jenny was a good adoptive mother and took care of them as if they were her own child.

Alexander avoided Azra every chance he could to avoid being reminded of his infidelity and encouraged their adoptive parents to just take them away and let them have a happy life. Andrea avoided Azra too but whenever they were forced to interact, Andrea was cruel and harsh, only ever showing aggressiveness and not caring that they were a child. She never even told her son, Avery, that he had a half-sister and kept their existence a secret from him. Azra was raised to believe Andrea was their biological mother but still saw her as a stranger, only treating Jenny and Darlene as their true mothers. They weren't told that Andrea wasn't their biological mother until they were 14, which helped them understand why Andrea hated them so much but never forgave her unnecessarily cruel behavior towards them. They never desired to find their true biological mother because the fact she helped Alexander cheat, got pregnant, kept them to full term just to quickly change her mind, and ditch them was just as bad as Andrea's horrid behavior.

Azra has no respect for Alexander and doesn't view him as their father, only referring to Emmet as their true father. They view Alexander as a coward and a horrible person in his own way. He could've spared them from Andrea's abuse and attempted to raise them himself but decided to stay with Andrea and dumped them onto Jenny to keep his reputation high and his infidelity a secret. He's a cheating, lying, absent father, and his most redeeming quality was encouraging Jenny, Emmet, and Darlene to take Azra far away, so they wouldn't have to be stuck living a horrible life in the Mirror District. Azra could see how easily he submitted to Andrea to everything and never brought up his own opinions, letting Andrea put them through verbal, occasionally physical, abuse. They don't have much of an opinion on Avery, their half-brother, since he isn't even aware of their existence. All they know is that they both share a father, that's it. They barely lived in the same home and they were separated at all times. Azra has no desire to connect with him. What neither Alexander nor Andrea knew, was that the mistress was actually the Glasskin Queen and Azrael is heir to the throne.