TBN's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use


🌺 ▸ do NOT resell my designs for more than you acquired them for. if they have additional commissioned art you may add the price of the commission to the design's total.
🐯 ▸ do NOT, under any circumstances, use my designs to promote hate or harmful ideologies, even if it is for the sake of a story. this includes making my designs into cops/soldiers/nazis/etc.
🌴  ▸ i would appreciate if my designs were kept visible to me!! if that requires an authorization key, please reach out!! (not a requirement ofc!! i just like to keep my ducks in a row if possible yknow >_<)
🍍 ▸ transferring/selling/trading any of my designs to blacklisted users will also result in a blacklist for the offender.
🌈 ▸ as the designer of a character, if i see you breaking any of these terms, i reserve the right to take action and reclaim the character if need be.

▸ bunnithwomps/tangymutt/ramcubus/mcscootin/itzscoogz/sourgummiis/thatstupidpuppy/mrteef
▸ rottendoq
▸ dragonatiorr