


4 years, 7 months ago


APIFJAOIFJA, I've had this guy just sitting unfinished in my files for like, a full year now. Finally finished him. 

Long story short, he was a koi fish spirit, when his pond and his life partner were destroyed, he lost all memories of who he used to be and became a god of rage and revenge. Without his partner, his other half, he became unbalanced and saw wrong and right, good and evil, as only ever black and white. There were no shades of grey for him anymore, and he sought to bring punishment to all who did wrong, even in the slightest bit. His life partner, though destroyed, still follows him in spirit, trying to remind him of who and what he used to be.
She was all white with red scales and a black dot. He used to be all black with red scales and a white dot. But as his rage and pain consumes him, his black koi designs, once representing his peace and strength, fade away. Soon there will be no markings left, his body fading to only white, unless he can pull himself back and remember who he was. The gold accessories are reminders of the things he stood for, they turn darker and duller with every marking that disappears, the orbs that carry his essence/good nature fading as well.