Diya (Kore) Mushroom Mimic



4 years, 8 months ago


Diya will also be used to personify Persephone aka Kore from Greek mythology 


Plant Mimics of these kind are completely Box Goats creation. Some info on Diya from the creator.

They know they are damaged but unlike if you cut the arm off a person or animal they will respond with a scream or such. They simply know it. So if you chop of their arm they dont wince or scream. Their body begins to repair the damaged limb.

The little plants growing on any of them is caused by magical over charge! Tis when they absorb too much. The little plants are full of pure magic and magic users will pluck them if they find a mimic sleeping (the grow on them in mini form as well). My breed is sprout so anytime you see sprouts growing I'm over charged~ Sprout species cause seeds planted near them to grow almost over night~
Mushroom species cause this effect in cool dark areas~ (caves and forest) 

Plant mimics that take the form of goats. They have no normal nervous system meaning they don't respond to damage normally.
They don't produce magic but absorb it from magical items, spells, and curses.
The type of plants that grow around them varies

Diya is a bio Luminescent mushroom goat mimic. Their inner flesh is pale blue outer flesh is pinkish.