Thaddeus Marley Oxnard (PKMN)



3 years, 4 months ago


THIS INFO IS OUTDATED!!!! But I don't really want to get rid of this tab or change where the arts at so it STAYS.

Tad Oxnard

Name: Thaddeus Marley Oxnard

Age: 20!!!!

Gender: male

Height: 5’6”

a: a

Species: Pikachu

Birthday: March 23rd

Pronouns: he/him

Weight: 157 lbs / 71 kg

a: a

I feel so shit when I see ‘em in the tanks! I don’t eat lobster! I can’t! Look at this face!

You’ll find this little rat out and about…anywhere theres a crowd Tad is sure to show up. his favorite hobbies include pestering his roommate Aiden, who he consider’s a parent, trying to get used to wearing crop tops, driving a motorcycle where you’re not really supposed to, and casually braking the law. he is also a big fan of soccer and video games.

If you’re in need of someone to show you around town, I’d literally suggest anyone else if you actually want to get where you’re going, but if you don’t mind a long detour, talk to this goofy pikachu— he’s more than happy to spend time getting to know someone new, as long as his abrasive humour and manner of speech doesn’t bother you.

playlist: x

  • Aiden's PANCAKES. and thats FOOD
  • fruit gushers
  • parties
  • soccer
  • pineapple on pizza
  • tuck tape
  • niceties
  • arguing (but he will)



Sign: aries

Enneagram: 7w6

Alignment: chaotic good

  • Smells like Coffee and Leather by accident.
  • his signature dish is a ketchup sandwich
  • he's cousins with Lyon and Stein and Morty.
  • Very ticklish


  • Off-roading (motorcycle)
  • Partying
  • making stupid tiktoks
  • Rage quitting video games

Family Info


Tad comes from a working class family and has 5 siblings. He is estranged from his family and has no contact or strained relationships with all of them.



taking a genuine interest in the lives and experiences of others, Tad enjoys mingling with others from all walks of life and getting an idea of what life is like for them. What inspires them, motivates their decisions, their opinions on seemingly mundane things, their families, their dreams, maybe asking a question he knows shouldn’t be asked. Preferably, he’s always having conversation with someone and learning something new about them, and goes out of his way to talk to those who are quiet.


theres always time to have fun, no one’s ever said life has to be dull! Tad is always on the lookout for exciting ways to engage with others and the environment. if theres a tree or a big rock in his vicinity, its begging to be climbed. a competitive streak makes any game he manages to strike up just a bit more intense, and more often than not he can’t contain a sour response when he perceives a “loss”.


In action or in speech, Tad reacts to his gut feelings with resolve. Be it hesitations cast aside in favour of confronting any perceived fear or danger with a stormy outburst, or practical judgement being held back to take an exciting risk. His impulsivity has been the centre cause of trouble in his life, as well as plenty of happy accidents. He views it as a way to uphold his integrity, and the risk offers him the intensity in life he often craves.


Nervous energy is at the forefront of his personality, often appearing in almost tense non-stop laughter of all sorts in a regular situation, along with frequent scanning of his surroundings, especially in someplace new. Threats on his ego or to his physical body are taken with extreme caution, and should you become a threat in any sense he will become more hostile. If he feels you or something else is threatening others, he will become bossy and irritable in an attempt to gain control of a situation and keep everyone safe.


Lacking a strong inner self-confidence and relying on others to determine his worth, he often becomes loud and seeks validation by bragging about things that he thinks are desirable, or any achievement he thinks is of value to the general population, often contradicting his own advice to others which would be to never mind what others think. He takes any criticism or less-than-ecstatic response as a direct hit to his character and in his sensitivity often “calls them out” on something unrelated to start a fight.


Like plenty of his traits, perception is a double-edged sword for Thaddeus, taking on aspects of skeptical suspicion of others, as well as absorbing information empathetically through their behaviours and tone of voice. He often makes the mistake of assuming certain actions mean specific (often negative) things and frequently has to take a step back to readjust his take on things.

Bio Family (0-14)

Starting life out in a low-income neighbourhood of a city resembling San Francisco, in a small townhouse packed to the brim with siblings. The youngest of 6, he was ABSOLUTELY the most spoiled in the first years of his life, especially after a brief period where he lived with one of his grandparents in an attempt to alleviate the financial burden 6 children have on one household.

Resented by the majority of his siblings, either from being spoiled or, as he grew older, being put in charge of a few of his OLDER siblings. this was not his call, his father at the time determined he was more ‘capable’ than a few of his more anxious siblings, which created friction. His father did things like this intentionally to push them apart.

When he started reaching pre-teen age, and tried to explore who he was as an individual, it became easy for him to be the target of his father’s scorn, who became jealous of and tore down his children whenever he got the sense they were separating themselves from him or the abstract concept of ‘the family’, which was very important to use against Tad in these situations. for every act of rebellion, simply against who his father wanted him to be, was seen as a direct attack of his authority.

During this time, he struggled with a lot of stress that bubbled up in his relationships as explosive emotional outbursts and found it was difficult to maintain any sort of relationship with others.

In-between homes (14-16)

Though he had never been officially kicked out, it was obvious at one point that he wasn’t wanted, Tad started to spend as much time as possible away from home in his early teens, having received a lot of blame for his eldest brother leaving home suddenly, and not feeling able to amend for it, he started to avoid the constant battle of home and started to grapple internally with his own principles, trying to separate himself from the guilt he experienced, mostly, on his own.

Tad searched for support in those who didn’t always have his best interest at heart, and chased the approval and love of others who chose to treat him poorly at any given interval. He was making attempts on how to understand what caused other pokemon to hate him. what was wrong with him?

The scales of self-doubt, aided by the fear of being inherently bad, were tipped by One (1) Pizza Delivery Boy’s patience and kindness towards him. Aiden, who he now thinks of like a parent, changed the direction his life was going by offering him another option: To stay in the spare room in his apartment.

Found Family (16-present)

It has taken a lot of adjustment to settle into a completely different life, and Tad still grapples with opinions that planted the wrong ideas in his head. It took a lot of courage to become legally emancipated at 17, and although theres still contact with his previous family, he is able, most of the time, to separate from it and remind himself he’s not in that household any longer and he has someone in his life that values him more than they ever had. Aiden and him have their differences, and it can be difficult, but he is overall much happier and doesn’t have emotional outbursts as frequently as he used to.

He’s been so focused on making it to the next day that his future feels unsure, and sometimes he doesn’t think he deserves to be where he is now. But life is a marathon and you take it one day at a time, and at least he can always ask Aiden to bring home a pizza :)


Aiden Lee Dellis

[ roommate / guardian ]

they love and annoy each other.


Malachi Lowell

[ Boyfriend ]




[ relationship ]

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