


4 years, 11 months ago


Name: Sage

Acquired: 10/14/19

Designer: InstantCoyote

Gender: Female

Species/Breed: Wolf / Shifter

Forms: Feral Wolf, Anthro, Human

Age: Mid 20's

Status: Loner

Pinterest Board: Here

Personality: Sage is compassionate and thoughtful. She defends those that are close to her. She is open minded, a great listener, and tries to help anyone she can. She has a huge soft spot for the young. Sage is also very superstitious and believes in luck. She can sometimes be overly stern, strong willed, and stubborn. Because of this she can lose her temper easily over things she really cares about or feels passionate about. She naturally looks stern but she really enjoys laughing and making others laugh and smile.

Design Information: She is fully symmetrical. She has bright emerald green eyes.

Backstory: Sage was taken from her pack by her mother at the age of 3. They were on the run and in hiding for several years but Sage was too young to understand why. When Sage was 16 her mother died from cancer. It seemed sudden and she hadn’t known her mother was even sick. She had no one to turn to or to take care of her so she had to learn to live on her own and take care of herself. For a few years Sage had turned cold and hard, the hardships of living on her own so young being evident in her appearance and personality. She spent most of her time being terrified and constantly looking over her shoulder.