


4 years, 8 months ago



man’s is just a total fucking nerd. he looks fully human, but he’s not. he openly admits that he was a furry and cosplayer before his death, so his room was full of stuff that he could cover himself in to hide his patchwork stitches because he hates them. he knows info about everything, can draw shockingly well, and is just stupidly smart and quick witted

Design by: Inspired by design obtained from chamber-th-jpg on Toyhouse, redesigned by me
Art by: me

Name: Midnight
Gender: Male, he/him
Age: 24
Birthday: July 5th
Height: 5’3
Occupation: Mathematics teacher assistant
Personality: Midnight is… weird. He’s the definition of a nerd. All he knows is studying and work. He’s a total workaholic and immediately tries to solve everything by himself, refusing help from anyone. He’s quite the narcissist, and is kind of a bully to others and pushes them away. If you do something wrong, Midnight will never let you hear the end of it
Likes: Studying, cosplay, mac & cheese, drawing
Dislikes: People (especially those that ask too many questions), ginger, carbonated drinks, *pineapple*, rain
Known Relationships: None that he has mentioned (likely did not have friends)
How they died: Spider bite that he didn’t care to treat until he realized it was deadly
Additional information: Midnight is openly a furry, and the paws on his hands are part of his old fursuit. His fursona was a bear-wolf-raptor fusion