Yuyu's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

If you're planning to find them a new home, I'd appreciate if you let me know first in case I'd like them back!

EmoCat_Special Global Rules

★ DO NOT delete this character off of Toyhouse, furthermore if you are deleting your account/going inactive/making a new account I ask that you transfer this character to the new account, find this character a new home, or let me know in case I’d like them back.

★ If you're planning to find them a new home, I'd appreciate (but not required) if you let me know first in case I'd like them back!

★ Design changes are allowed, and they can be as extensive as you want. You may edit my artwork and even draw on top of it so long as you give me original credit.

★ Use of my designs for NSFW content is completely fine idgaf lol.

★ Once you have this design, it’s all yours, idc what you do with it so long as I’m credited for the original design and any art that I made for it. Let it be known that just because you own my design does not mean I agree with what you stand for etc. etc. I don’t really look into people’s lives before I give away my designs cause I’m not tryina stalk every profile I see and I don’t typically keep track of those designs after they’re out of my hands.