Gumi Ensnomi



4 years, 8 months ago


Name: Gumiaessojil ‘Gumi’ Ensnomi

Occupation: Puppeteer/Drag Artist

Gender: Male

Sexuality: A diagnosed homosexual but it’s hard for him to talk about

Age: 20

Birthday: June 16th

Description: Down below, He's 5'4 very small and thin frame.

Personality: Gumi is a smiley and rather cheerful person. Most of the time he’s very relaxed and likes to rationalise things in his head before speaking. He's sometimes too relaxed, an example being in very stressful situations he dosnt really seem to react all that much? Hes a sort to keep things to himself in a sense, he deals with things internally for the most part. He also is very desensitised to things that are gory in nature. He is a good person and likes showing compassion to other people and listens well too.

Likes: Rabbits, Tea, Sewing

Dislikes: Any mentions of churches, The cold, The dark

Nationality: American/Mexican

Notes: Completely blind w/o glasses, very good with his hands craft wise! He can sew, knit and do all sorts of things like that.