Fixy Corma



4 years, 8 months ago


Name: Fixedsys 'Fixy' Corma Occupation: Fixy does quite a few things! He's currently in schooling learning medical practise but is also very musical and quite the actor when he wants to be!  Species: Skeleton - What a surprisingly rare species for how well known they are! Skeletons are basically a dying speices at this point, how ironic! This basically means that there are hardly any around these days, because of how incredibly fragile they are! It is often said that the faintest touch can make a skeleton turn to dust!

Magic: Skeleton's have an interesting set of magic that is often not particularly expected.  The most well known power of skeletons's are Soul Magic this is when they use their soul to do various different things. But for this segment this will involve the manifestation of objects, this means that Fixy can summon bones that are the same colour of his magic, purple. When anything is used with soul magic their eye glows and shines.  The second most well known is the Alive Disguise where a skeleton can disguise themselves to have a living form of whatever their skeleton resembles so for example Fixy here has a human form that he can change to willingly whenever he wants, the draw back is however is that in a human form he can no longer use magic unless it is to turn back to his skeleton form.  Another most known power is Manipulation of Gravity and light now yes this sounds very scary but only true masters can use this for full protentional. For Fixedsys this means he can float small objects away/towards him, this also involves his own bones, how spooky! He can also float but its only like a maximum of 5 inches off the ground if he's lucky, its usually about 2. Light wise this means  An unexpected fact about all skeletons are also Polyglot's which means they understand all languages that exist or previously did, they can read and speak them all fluently, its a handy trick.  Some select skeleton's also have talents that are unique to them for Fixy this is Healing although he has only known about this power for a short while he is currently trying to learn more about it. Its limited but it can help with things such as small cuts and bruises and can be used as a helpful painkiller to dumb the pain down.

Age : 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Appearance: His skeleton form is down below and so is his face ref. He is 5'6! One note though, in his human form he gains quite a bit of mass considering he is just bone normally.
Personality: Fixedsys is a very shy person. He dosnt really like speaking up and is often not one to really state his opinions all too often unless he feels like he can add something, which is often not very likely. Most often he just keeps to himself. He is a nice person though, he is always willing to help other people around him. The most vital part of his personality though is that he is incredibly careful of every action and every word he says because he second guesses everything because he is just so scared of getting hurt.