


4 years, 8 months ago

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"Love saddles"


Hover for Descriptions

Happy Couple Badge Protagonist Badge Forever Homed Badge 2014 Badge Best dressed Badge
Pronouns Badge Transgender Badge Aromantic Badge
Panelhopper Badge



Equine | ??? | She/her

Value N/A
Designer Medd--Lee
Status Perma-Homed
Art Fight Page Here


Sharpcore is the main protagonist of a comic I've had in mind for several years. Said comic Doesn't have all that much to share without getting super detailed, but I will do my best.

Sharpcore is a mare on a mission. She can see creatures called dredges, which are creatures that create/feed on distress in various creatures. They sometimes pile onto a single creature too much, and she takes it upon herself to correct that. To this end, she carries a sword designed to deal with them. On a usual day and in flashbacks, she would use magic to wield the sword, but an incident she can't quite remember left her with a block on most of her magic, including levitation. She has learned ot wield it with her mouth, though, and continues her work, trying to help those the can.

In the comic, Sharp is more of the catalyst character - since she can see the creatures, she is sometimes considered insane. When she had her magic, she could grant temporary sight wiht it, but has since had to rely on a potion that she needs help making to allow others to see it. This further isolates her mission, and she has grown more and more distant.
In the story, she has discovered another who seems to almost wield the creatures. She finds herself wondering about the other creature - an equine named Mirror Tree.

Sharpcore is one of my oldest MLP ocs, but doesn't remain as one most of the time. She did not have a color pallete until I bought this design. Coincidentally, they already had the same hairstyle, which drew me to it. A HUGE thank you to Spoopysherbertcake for the pallette.

Design Notes

- Primary form is feral, but Anthro is perfectly fine.
- Jacket and other accessories are her standard outfit. You can create alternatives if you like, but she prefers her slightly edgy look. She is wearing a holster for the sword, a jacket, two anit-magic bands, and a ribbon on her neck, horn, and tail stalk. Optionally, she may have an additional ribbon on one leg or several piercings.
- The only non optional accessories are the ring on her horn and hoof. I would highly encourace the sword and its holster are included, but will not enforce.
- She is a generalized equine, but MLP style is perfectly fine. She is technically omnivorous. Her magic is pink.

Art Rules

- ASK before drawing meme art.
- Gift Art
- With other characters
- Any style
- Anthro OR feral
- Cute, scary, mean, nice - whatever
- With Pride stuff like flags and such. Her flags are: aromantic, transgender, and she/her!

- NSFW, especially sexual
- "exclusive" themes, like hetero pride, terf things, etc.
- Anything based in a culture that I am not part of and/or you are not part of. You may ask, but assume no.
- Heavy gore (ask)
- In romantic situations
- With commercial characters that you or I do not own (ask)
- With any indication of gender or genetailia, including breasts in this case.
- Unsure? Ask!

Html code by Coywolfy badges box code by AviCode and box edits by me