
4 years, 7 months ago


·Physical Description

In his human form, Dorian is 1.82m (6') and quite slim (but muscular). His eye-color is the same as it is in his wolf-form, a bright fiery yellow. His hair is red/orange and very, very tousled-looking (pretty much like he just got out of bed). It's a little longer than just short, he kinda has an undercut so it's shorter on the back and the sides of his head. It's also not completely flat but a little wavy.
He has a smooth face with freckes on his nose and cheeks, makes him look young, almost a little innocent, but a strong yawline and full lips. He's almost always wearing a charming smile. He looks like about 25 years, but is actually a few thousand years old
In his human form Dorian prefers to look punk-ish. He always wears his old leather-boots, ripped and/or washed out jeans or khaki-pants. Most times he wears shirts with slightly gory stuff on them (skulls, zombies etc) or band-shirts (punk, metal and old rock mostly). His favourite Tee is one saying "Normal people scare me" on it.
His favourite accessoire is his heavy dark-brown leather jacket ((which has a wolf sewed on the back))
What's special about him: Almost his whole upper body is covered in Tattoos. When Dorian is at full strenght they glow like embers and lava. When he looses his strenght they look like normal Tattoos. Also: when he looses strenght his hair can loose it's color. If he really overextends himself it even can become almost white.

In his wolf-form Dorian is actually quite fluffy with a long tail. His fur is orange/brown and has unusual patters. His inner ears and nose are dark brown, his eyes are bright yellow. His size varies, he can change it from big-sized dog to almost horse-size.

His hound-form is huge and massive, as big as a giant bear, he only transforms into it when in the underworld. He can show all three heads or just one. In his hound-form he still has color and patters as he has in his wolf-form but he can make his fur look like it's made of fire. 

·Personality Crazy || Rebellious || Humorous || Carefree || Stubborn || Caring || Loyal || Sassy || High-spirited / Cocky 

·Sexuality: homosexual; demi-homoromantic 

·Voice: His voice is sweet and charming, like honey. It's actually surprisingly high but it fits him, so it doesn't let him sound like a 10-year-old or something. 


LIKES: Sweets, apples, expensive cocktails, tea and hot chocolate, warm weather, thunderstorms, autumn, cats, fireflies, books, history, old architecture, italian and greek food, old-style pubs, rock-music.

DISLIKES: crowded spaces, close body contact with strangers, discos, flashing lights, complete silence, the smell of metal, ants. 


STRENGHTS: self-confident, great at languages and art, photographic memory, great riddler

WEAKNESSES: careless, adventurous, bigmouth, caring, gambling