Trent Holden



4 years, 11 months ago


Missing Reference Pictures: Nude, Casual Outfit, Cop Outfit

Trent's Profile

Name: Trent Holden, Code Name: Valor

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Race: Human


Body Type: Built
...Body Fat Low
...Muscle Very High

Sexuality: Strait, till he meets Isaias

Looks: Prefers traditional clothing when he is not working or out gathering information/stakeouts. While he works he has a special visor that is also a radio and armor, the visor hides his face and can turn into a helmet. Tends to have a sad/lonley tone in his eyes.

Job/Role: Cyber Crime Detective

Tech: After lossing his arm in the war it was replaced with a cybernetic once that is incredibly strong, for his sacrifice in the war he earned top of the line tech.

Also owns several other high tech gadgets. His sunglasses display a screen only he can see, with a retna scanner, with his high security clearance he can access information on people and other records. His phone has more features than others, like the ability to give him access to locked doors. Along with all his officer gear and gun that has different modes.


Trent went into the military as soon as he graduated high school and rose through the ranks quickly. He was, and still is, a determined man that works hard. His dedication and hard work earned him command over his own squad and given sensitive missions. One such mission was escorting a person of great importance to their HQ. In an ambush Trent risk his life to save his men and the person they were escorting.

Trent lost his arm in an explosion, after the attack they rushed to HQ and the hospital where he lost his original arm and was given the new one as well as the Medal of Valor for his heroic service. It was not long after that he left the military and became a Privet Detective being hired by many companies to help deal with hackers and hunt them down. It was 24 at this time.

Trent had one relationship after leaving the military, after being with her for several years Trent was going to propose to the woman and bought a ring, and tell her the truth of what he did not. But when he told her the truth she left him not wanting ot risk her wealth for him.

Detectives and officers that go after hackers have to hide their identities while they work. If a hacker leans who they are everything they have is at risk as are their family and loved ones. The hackers are known to steal their identity and take everything and ruin whatever they can for the detectives. Those how hunt hackers are given the best security on their identities and work under a code name.

Trent's job to the public is a high level consultant to the military and government, explaining some of his more high tech gadgets and why there is heavy encryption on his scroll phone and anything else that could give information on him.

His parents are gone the only familiy Holden has his his sister and her daughter who he loves dearly.


Personality Traits
Calm, Affectionate, Smart, Observant
Lonely, Different Person when working, Anxiety,

After the failed relationship Trent has not formed a deep connection with anyone else. He did not hate her in the end but does not believe anyone will stay with him if they knew the truth. So Trent has gone to sort lived flings and one night stands with woman that just wanted sex and little else.

When working Holden is a very different man, he is fierce and determined and will do most anything to stop or capture his target. He was not reckless enough to put others in danger, most times,. He is still calm and level headed and is very good at predicting what others will do. He still does not get everyone he is after but he will work hard to get them some day.

He can have nightmares of the day he lost his arm and wake up in a cold sweet and has anxiety attacks from the memory of what happened. He takes pills to help calm down when he has an attack.

Relationships with other OCs




Anxiety Attacks