
4 years, 7 months ago



Even  though Keanu seems to be a very frightening creature, which is probably  especially because of the mask he wears, he is actually a very friendly  fellow - at least most of the time. He has a very protective heart and  because he protects the creatures that live in and near his forest for  already a long time, many consider him the spirit of this forest. He has  a strong mind and is not afraid of facing danger and to stand for what  he believes in. He still prefers to keep to the invironment he is used  to though, which is why he prefers not to leave the forest or to explore  unknown terrain. He is more a listener than a talker, he hoards stories  and secrets of all the living beings he has already talked to, but not  many know much about Keanu himself.


Keanu  is actually in posession of more than one mask, most of them are made  out of wood, there is even one made out of leather and fur. But his  favourite one - and the one he wears most of the time - is one made out  of a huge moose skull.  The mask has tribal symbols carved and painted on it, some of the paint  is a special one - it glows in the dark and highlights the skull in a  morbid way. It's Keanu's way of scarying others away from his territory.  Because of his mask, Keanu has become a living legend in the human  village near the forest he inhabitates.


He  carries two sharp daggers, that have been given to him as a gift from a  friend, who also lives in the forest. His third weapon are the sharp  claws of his hawk friend called Asmador.