
"Who are they?" - that's the question, isn't it. It truly is. They /  Them. A single individuum? Or more than one? "They told me to do it."  Giggles the Goblin Gator that calls himself Vincent. "Oh? Them? Them? You want to know who they  are? Me. They are me. I am them. We are one but we are many." Them call  themselves Castor. Max. Leopold. Nathan. John. Eric. And Paul. Castor is  Sadness. When I cry, he cries. He is a Broken Heart. He is a Sad Movie.  Max is Passion. Max is Art. He is Painting a Sunset under a Starry Sky.  Leopold is Love. Leopold is a warm Smile. Leopold is the Thought of  your loved ones. Nathan is Happiness. He is Smelling a flower. He is the  Rainbow after a thunderstorm. John is Childnishness. John is Playing  pranks. John is Chasing butterflies. Eric is Anger. Eric is Being lied  to. He is Not finding important stuff. And then there is me, Vincent. I  am the Normality. I am I in public. At parties. I am anxious and a  loner. I am... and then there is Paul. Paul is Evil. Plain Evil. Paul is  Another one's pain. Paul is a Bad joke. Paul is a Creepy Smile. Paul is  the one that tells me what to do. Paul is the Knife in your back." He  giggles, shaking his head for no obvious reason. "Or is he? Castor. Max.  Leopod. Nathan. John. Eric. Paul. Am I them? Are they me? What is real  and what is not? Can you tell? Do you know?"


Vincent is, to  say something at least, an odd creature. His favourite hobby is, without  a doubt, confusing others. He talks fast, getting faster and faster  until there aren't real words coming out of his mouth anymore. He  interrupts himself mid-sentences, he changes the topic without a single  warning. He asks questions out of the blue and gives answers that don't  make any sense. He talks to himself, to strangers, to friends, to  objects. He laughs about everything he says and smiles as if he plans to  take on the world. You can often find him chanting about them, as if  they were something special. The others. Controlling him when he is not  himself. He always claims that as soon as he feels a specific emotion,  there is another personality taking over his body and controlling all  his actions. He is lying, of course. Or is he? Nobody knows for sure,  but everyone claims to know that Vincent is just crazy. "Just look at  his pictures" they say "if you don't believe me." Vincent paints, he  loves painting. He loves creating landscapes with unreal colors. A  purple sky, blue grass and yellow water. Red clouds, pink forests.  Vincent claims that his mind sees things different, because he has to  share it with many others. And he lets himself be inspired by feelings,  not by the real colors of the world. "The real world already exists." He  likes to say. "So why on earth should I paint it? It's already out  there, you just have to look. I am painting because I want to create  something new."