Ryuu Hellska



4 years, 8 months ago


Created by Lumiin0us

About Ryuu's work and personality:
Ryuu is a generally calm cat, who works as an assistant for Denvious, and also sometimes works as a bouncer. He enjoys reading, and relaxing, which he doesn't get much of durring either of his jobs. He also enjoys a good fight sometimes, and also doing a bit of cooking sometimes as well. Although, he has sensitive ears, and so he hates sudden loud noises, although, they do help him hear lots of things. Occasionally, with the right person, he can also be a bit flirty, but, that doesn't happen very often, since he also sucks at flirting.
With his work for Denvious, he often does lots of fighting monsters and things that generally seem more scary to others. He got the job when he turned 18.
About Ryuu's life and family:
Ryuu has a little sister named Evelyn, who he's very protective over, although sometimes finds a bit annoying, although, other than his sister, he doesn't actually have much of a family, as they were killed when he and his sister were young. When his parents died, Denvious took him in and gave them what they needed, and also taught them lots about defending themselves. Denvious started training Ryuu to become his assistant when he was young, and now he is one of his best. He's quite strong, although, he gets easily distracted by loud noises.
He is currently 188 years old, and lives on his own in a small apartment near Denvious's house. His house is generally well kept, although, it can get a bit messy sometimes, when he doesn't get the chance to clean for a long period of time. He's almost never home because of his jobs, and so he often has to eat out, although, he does enjoy cooking for himself when he can.
About Ryuu's relationships:
Evelyn: His sister. He's very protective over her. Although he loves her, he also finds her pretty annoying.
Denvious: His father figure. He generally has a decent relationship with him, and is grateful to him for giving him a home and a job.
Amiee: Denvious's wife. He doesn't talk with her much, although they're friendly enough.
Malory: Denvious's daughter. He doesn't pay too much attention to her.
Zander: Denvious's son. Sometimes he does some training with him, and teaches him some stuff.
Ecthrois: His co-worker. He doesn't trust him, and thinks he's creepy.
Dezi: His co-worker. He gets along with him quite well. They often go on missions together.
Jayson: His co-worker. Finds him friendly enough, occasionally goes on missions with him, although he doesn't know him too well.
Heath: His co-worker. A good friend of his. They often go on missions together. Denvious took both of them in, and so they grew up together. They train together a lot as well.
Rephaim: A close friend, and a former teacher. Rephaim used to teach him, and now they are good friends.