


4 years, 8 months ago


Tootie Patootie, or just Tootie for short, is a cartoon character heavily based upon the golden age of animation. She is known to be a bit of an impish brat, but she has a very lovable, jolly and cheery side to her. For her swift temper, she’s oddly a quick witted thinker and very resourceful. Despite being playful, she's far from being inherently evil, even if she can be violent at times (she just thinks that she's entertaining others... even if they don't follow her same "rules," or cartoon physics).

Because of her cartoon nature, she loves being a performer in the sense of imitating others by replicating their appearance and behavior (think something like Ditto from Pokémon, Ash's Pikachu from the anime, or Duplica from the Original Series), and often likes being creative with her art, whether it's performance (like partaking in her cartoon show), drawing, painting, etc.

Much like cartoon characters from her era, she often not seems like she's bending reality with her cartoon powers... but it's not quite as potent as one would think. She can't really manipulate anything that's not hers, and, if critiqued when she doesn't make logical sense, she'll indirectly become more "down-to-earth" against her will (like for example, she walks over a cliff and gravity won't take effect on her until someone points it out... including herself).


Initially created by Simon Braix for a single cartoon, Cutie Patootie, or just Tootie for short, was an instant hit when it came out, causing Simon to form his own studio under his own name and expand more on Tootie’s world. Unfortunately, as the years passed, she quickly became increasingly dated, the studios lost its funding, and audiences lost interest in her, spelling doom for Tootie… even if she was blissfully unaware of the studio slowly going under.
Her final “official” role (as last seen to the public) was “Cutie Patootie and the Maniac Mansion” where she, as a dare, had to retrieve the “treasure” which lies inside the titular mansion, but seeing as the second half of it, “Disturbing Discoveries,” never came out, or wasn’t even worked on in detail in the first place before the company disbanded, this left her in a state of limbo for many centuries, ending up being stuck in an inanimate “sleeping” state.
As time passed, she did garner a small but dedicated fanbase. This was enough to bring her back, at least in a different form that no one expected; rather than being an actual cartoon, she manifested through their collective consciousness, which also "revived" her. Even if she did swiftly realize her plight and that she was merely a fictional character, never officially finished, she figured that, perhaps if she could escape from her realm, maybe she could restore interest in herself, and even get to explore a world that she never knew existed.