


4 years, 7 months ago



Theme Song

These are the hands that creep out from under your bed at night. Grabbing your ankles. Pulling off the blanket.

The grotesque smile hanging so vivid in the shadow of your closet.

You scream but no sound escapes, the shadow hands have choked out your very voice!

This Lementa is twisted and sadistic and is the cause of many children suffering from night terrors.

They specifically target young and vulnerable children who are often troubled and left alone.

Umbralarin [shadow] - Shadow Element [UC]

Spirinvitus [Summoning] - Shadow Hands


She/ Her

Mara has a sick obsession with the shrill shrieks that come from terrorizing little children. Even after the children wake, they are haunted by her lingering laughter and glowing smile in the shadows of their rooms. She uses her shadow arms to toy with her victims by pulling at their covers or appendages hanging over the bed. If she has been terrorizing them for a long time she starts to apply her summons more personally, taking their breath away or causing sleep paralysis to heighten their panic. On a few occasions, when the mood is just right, she will whisper her name to those who call out in anguish and reveal herself and her huge arms to jump scare her victim. 

She will often visit more than one child in the night, wanting to haunt unsuspecting youths as long as she can. Her favorites are children left sleeping alone in their own rooms or those who already think they hear things go bump in the night. She thinks it's a bonus if they are left home alone for the night...

Even during the day she can be active. Choosing more to mess with objects and get into someones head rather than messing with them directly. 

Eventually the child "grows out of having the nightmares"  but in reality she has just moved too far away in her search for new victims to bother with trying to reach them again, while others just bore her and she moves on. 


Mara and Leer torment a house together. Anyone that moves in is driven insane over time from their nightmares and always feeling like they need to look over their shoulder. There are some stories of tiny children going missing and never found again.