


4 years, 7 months ago


Name: Kai

Acquired: 10/15/19

Designer: InstantCoyote

Gender: Male

Species/Breed: Coyote / Shifter

Forms: Feral Coyote, Anthro, Human

Age: Late 20's

Status: Born human, bitten and turned into a shifter

Pinterest Board: Here

Personality: Kai is stoic and stern most of the time. He always has a brooding or angry appearance or expression. Quiet and typically only grunts around those he knows; strangers tend to think he's mute. He prefers solitude to any kind of company and doesn't trust anyone or rely on anyone for anything. Kai spends almost all of his time in his feral coyote form. It's almost so much so that he goes entirely feral, nearly letting go of his human self. He maintains just enough of his human form to be able to shift back to it when he needs to for something. He has learned how to live alone in the forest, fitting in with the wild coyotes and animals; but is not able to find a way to fit into the human world.

Design Information: He is completely symmetrical. Ears are lined/tipped black. Tail fades into dark tipped. Grey streaks are only up front legs, not back. Rusted orange colors are only on the ears and face. Grey freckles on both sides of his muzzle. Two scars run over his right eye, no other scars on him. Athletic build with long lean muscles. Extra fluff around face/cheeks, neck, scruff of neck/shoulders, flank, and tail. Very large paws.

Backstory: Kai was born into an overly large pack, though his family was not one of any ranking. His mother died during his delivery. His dad blamed him for losing her and took his anger and sadness out on Kai. He would beat the pup and make him do everything around the home, such as cleaning and dinner, etc. Kai was always badly bruised and sore but he hid it all from everyone as much as possible. Nothing he ever did or said would make his dad stop. One night, when Kai was 16, his dad drank too much and came home to find Kai doing his homework. His dad verbally assaulted him for doing his homework and wasting his time with something like education. The argument turned heated and his dad beat him so bad that he was passed out in his room for nearly two days and woke up in a patch of dried blood on the floor. That night he packed up a small amount of his things and took off. He ran as far away as he could. He has been on his own ever since. His injuries healed well but the scars above his right eye remained to remind him of his past.

As he got older he trained himself so that his body was strong enough to make sure he would never be beat up on again, not without putting up a good fight anyway. He also spent a lot of time finishing his schooling on his own and educating himself as best as he could so that he would never need to rely on anyone. He has never been back to visit his father or anyone from his pack and never plans to.