


8 years, 1 month ago


Name: Pyralis

Name Origin: Greek

Name Meaning: Of Fire

Age: 20

Hobby: wondering

Likes: Warming people, setting things on fire, eating sweet potatoes!, snuggling/cuddling

Dislikes: how she lights up the dark, water, spicy foods, being ignored

Personality: Needy, Shy, Jealous, possessive, innocent, silent

Background: She was born in the middle of a snow storm from the wish of a Greek traveler in Japan. He had been climbing Mt. Fuji, despite the warnings of a storm heading their way. He lost his equipment but found a little cave. With the last of his oil from his oil lantern. As he sat there watching the last of his salvation slowly burn away he began thinking of his life. Making wishes on the flames. His biggest wish was that his and his late wite had focus more on their relationship and had a family and less on trivial things. As the last of the oil burned he began to cry and waited for the darkness to envelop the cave and himself. He waited and waited but the darkness never came. He lifted his head to see a young fire kitsune watching him closely. He asked where she came from and she pointed to his oil lamp. He could only laugh. She watched as the cold began to make him shiver. Wanting to know why is mimicked him. He couldnt stop another chuckle and he tried to explain why he was cold. when she looked confused he mentioned that he did not have flames to keep him warm or alive. She sat there for a bit before curling against him lending him her warmth. She learned from is as he was trapped in the mountain cave. While they were in there he decided she needed a name. He called her Pyralis, which meant 'Of Fire' from his native tounge. When the storm passed and he was finally able to leave she fallowed him. Secretly he was happy. He took her into town to the place he was staying. He soon got a job and purchased a home. They stayed there as he raised her like he would raise his would be daughter. He was an old man though and soon passed away leaving her alone. She went back to the cave where she was born from the wish of her father. She sits there now waiting for another who will need her and hopes to one day find family again. <3