Basic Info

English Name

Botan Higashiyama

Japanese Name

Higashiyama Botan


東山 牡丹

English Nickname/Alias

Japanese Nickname/Alias


18 || 20


October 22 (Libra)








Demon Slayer Corps


Demon slayer

Combat Style

Breath of Dream



Love Interest

Giyu Tomioka


"I am angry, but I don't know how to express it... I want to learn this expression."


Define Name:

Botan means "chinese tree peony" in Japanese.

Higashiyama means "east mountain" in Japanese.


Stubborn yet quiet, Botan has a few personalities that don't seem to go together. She is very friendly with her companions and loved ones and she does not know how to express anger. The closest to anger was always fear to her. Despite being quiet, she is also easily someone who could pester a person into submission to her requests. Botan is very sweet, but she can also come off as annoying when she wants to be yet despite that trait she is a huge introvert. Caution is her main sense as she could always seem to sense danger nearby and even sense her time of death when the moment came. Bravery isn't her strong suit, but cowardice is also not her game. Despite her straight face, she is usually happy-go-lucky and very peppy in her own way. She is terrible at expressing her expressions in general, but one can hermar the tone of her voice and tell exactly how she feels except for anger itself. She loves to shower love to certain people and is always daydreaming about something. All in all, she's pretty emotionless after losing her parents.


White and purple hair, pink eyes, and fair skin


Botan has straight choppy fringes that part and reach up to her eyelashes. The hair framing her face is also cut straight like the rest of her hair. She braids the rest of her hair loosely into two braids. They reach up to her waist when they are left down.


An orphaned girl who lived quite a quiet and peaceful life with her family before they were all killed by demons, Botan was quite a happy girl being the only child to receive attention and give that attention back. Despite living in fear of demons possibly attacking them, the family lived their life to the fullest and with little concern to fuel less of their fear in their life. It was until her parents were killed did she live under only fear and anger towards the demons who feasted on them. She was lucky enough to stay alive due to hiding somewhere in the mountains whilst playing hide n' seek with her parents as a joke. Little did she know that it was her last time seeing them alive. Seeing that demons were nearby, Botan fled to the nearest place for help despite putting herself into further danger. Luckily, she stumbled upon Sakonji Urokodaki's cottage and seeked for shelter there, filled with grief of the lost of her parents. Unaware of the demon slayer corps, Giyu Tomioka came by to scout the area and dropped by Sakonji's cottage to thoroughly check for demons in the area that may have needed to be ridden of. Seeing the boy, Botan got curious about who he was carrying a sword around and wearing a uniform. Asking the two, the girl was quickly cut off and told that it was nothing by Sakonji who didn't want her to get involved with the demon slayer corps. However, she quickly realized what exactly Giyu was the moment a demon appeared and was dispatched in an instant to protect them. Now that she knew he was someone who got rid of demons, Botan quickly asked the boy to help her join the ranks, but was quickly brushed off and sent back to Sakonji. Disappointed, the girl determinedly pestered Giyu until he sighed and told her to speak with Sakonji for more information on the demon slayer corps and leaves her with the man. He wasn't too happy about it and refused to teach her anything, but the girl instead trained herself for a few weeks before he finally agreed to train her. Strangely enough she never learned the water breathing style and was disappointed that she could get nothing out of it, yet Sakonji sensed a different ability in her and continued to train her anyways to drag her abilities out. It turned out that her beathing style was something else, the breath of dream. Seeing that her breath style was much different than his, the man kept changing her training regimen as she stubbornly kept up with her work despite being discouraged to do it by him. It took longer than most of his students for her to learn her breath style, but she managed to learn to control her abilities and made it to the Final Selection.


Unlike Sakonji's past apprentices, Botan was lucky enough to have avoided meeting the morphed demon who was actively killing and devouring Sakonji's students. In fact, she didn't even know that such a demon existed. Returning back to Sakonji's cottage the girl eventually receives her sword and heads off to complete missions. Most of her missions were simple demon slaying where the demons were quite weak compared to what the Hashiras had to deal with. It was until Tanjiro Kamado her job started to get harder and scared her a tad. She started to attend missions with the Hashiras after Tanjiro joined and noticed how difficult the job became when she had to face off with the twelve kizukis when it was necessary to bring in more demon slayers to the scene. At this time, she mainly worked with Giyu as he was also an apprentice to Sakonji and she was more comfortable with him because of this. There were times where she worked with the others such as Shinobu, Mitsuri, and Obanai, but the two seemed to have made her feel uneasy about Shinobu and Obanai's personalities. Thus she was mainly sent off with Giyu and Mitsuri as requested by the girl who noticed her discomfort with the other two. Botan was terrified of Sanemi and the others were also quite intimidating to her minus Muichirou. Most of her missions were dispatched with lower ranking demon slayers however and was easily taken cared of without too much of a problem. In the demon slayer Corps, Botan felt like she had a new family, a much larger family than before even if some of them did scare her, but it still felt nice to her thag she was working with tons of new people. It grieved her when a comrade dies however and takes a heavy toll on her as it reminds her of her parents' death back home years ago. Eating meals felt livelier and warmer than usual and it was very loud and crowded when she stays at a demon slayer corps affiliated building. When she wasn't out on a mission, she would help out with the chores just like back at home and train herself to get stronger than she currently was as her breath style wasn't fully mastered just yet. Many noticed that she would always be around to take care of things with others and ask to train with people not that they minded, but sometimes they did wonder if she was just lonely in that sense and wanted to be close to someone or some people. Her training usually consisted of practicing her breath style with breathing techniques and athletic exercises which she happens to be good at. People can not catch up with her because of how much effort she puts in everyday to her training regimen as if she was training back under Sakonji's teachings all over again. It made her feel proud to be part of the corps as she works her way up in ranks in hopes of catching up to the Hashiras. Her rank is quite high however because of how much effort she puts into her training and her actions in her missions. This suprises even the Hashiras at how fast her progress was made over the years. She also tries to find the right time to ask some of the Hashiras to help her train and how to train, but only some because of the others frightening her too much. It was usually Shinobu and Mitsuri who helped her out the most next to Giyu who plain didn't really care, but the girl always felt so fortunate to know that they would agree to help her hone her skills further. In return, she always tries to help them with what they need help with, which isn't really anything that they need her to do much to her dismay.


Upon receiving a mission to fight against a demon that wanted to become one of the twelve kizukis and had killed plenty, Botan accepted the mission and went off with other low ranking demon slayers to kill the demon in question. The demon Hatsue was an abnormally strong demon Botan had to face without a hashira by her side and sadly she didn't make it. Hatsue had managed to stun the girl killing many of the demon slayers along the way and devoured them one by one leaving her for last. Botan was devoured from toe to head, making it more agonizing and painful to her because of her strength that nearly killed the demon. This angered Hatsue and she wanted to make her suffer most thus the decision to kill her as slowly as possible. Eventually Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu, came too late witnessing the last of her now dead body being devoured. It was reported that after the three and other surviving demon slayers Botan perished under Hatsue and was mourned for by a few who treasured her. 

Abilities And Powers:

Natural Abilities:

  • h


  • h