
7 years, 10 months ago
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"Let the wind carry us to the clouds, hurry up, alright"

Basics: Bug is a passionate gardener. She loves little more in the world than the flowers in her care, the beautiful garden she tends with utmost care. She is exceptionally enthusiastic about her flowers, though she is a tad bit socially awkward. She will talk your ear off about the things she cares about, but can be flighty is confronted directly.

Bug was purchased for $3 from designer

No rules were given

Drawing notes: Bug has anatomy that is most similar to that of a pit bull. She has a beauty mark that only appears on her left side, while the rest of her design is symmetrical.

"We can travel so far as our eyes can see!"

【 Name 】 Bug 【 Gender 】 Female
【 Age 】21 【 D.o.B. 】 July 3rd
【 Realm 】Modern 【 Race 】 Canine
【 Occupation 】 Gardener 【 Theme 】 Where No One Goes

【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Confidence 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Maturity 】
【 Humor 】

Bug is a canine with anatomy most similar to that of a pit bull. She has a beauty mark under her left eye. Her ears are rounded. Her spots and stripes are slightly random, but should be captured fairly accurately. She often has soil and flower petals in her fur as a result of her work.


Bug lives in a small town. With a large yard and no neighbors behind her, she has turned her property into a beautiful garden, always bright with color. It attracts all sorts of insects and birds, and she often sees butterflies fluttering between the patches. She values her garden above all, and spend all her time tending to it. The garden itself is well-organized and clean, though her house often is not, her energy directed to the flowers she grows and leaving her too tired to keep her house cleaned.


Bug's passion is growing flowers. She makes a living by selling her flowers at a stand beside a busy road. She loves to see the smiles on people's faces when they purchase a bouquet from her. She'll deliver flowers to place such as local hospitals as well, hoping that the flowers can make someone else as happy as they make her.


Bug is a very passionate gardener, devoting every day to working to be sure her flowers are healthy. She is enthusiastic, excitable, and generally optimistic- however, she often fails to pick up on social cues. She loves to talk endlessly about the things she loves, however, she tends not to notice when she's talked too much. She'll talk your ears off if you get her going on a topic that she's interested in, and has a bad habit of speaking as quickly as she possibly can in hopes of getting it all out. She is a reliable friend, willing to go to the ends of the earth for those she cares about. She is most peaceful in her garden, often calmer there anywhere else. When confronted, however, she can be flighty, and talk herself into circles. She hates little more than let someone down. She has a fascination with the bugs she finds in her garden, and can name them all. She often collects any beetles she finds just to observe them in better light, and then release them again. She is one of the few gardeners who can forgive the bugs that eat her plants.


Bug found herself enamored by insects at a young age, spending her days romping in the mud to try and collect them, and bringing them home to try and keep them as pets. Throughout her school days, this often labeled her as weird, though for Bug, this was fine- she didn't much care what others had to say with her. She spent her days with a few close friends who embraced her weirdness, and loved them dearly. She started dating a girl, and was certain she was in love- that was, until she found out that her girlfriend was leaving her, turning on her suddenly. The sudden betrayal shook Bug deeply, and for a while, nothing was able to cheer her up as she fell into a depression. She stopped attending school, claiming illness, and stopped talking to her friends completely. It was only when her friends reached out to her, sending her a bouquet of the most beautiful flowers she had ever seen, did she feel again; remembering the kindness and love of her friends. She turned her passion to growing flowers, knowing that if flowers had cheered her up on her worst days, perhaps her flowers would do the same for someone else.
