


4 years, 8 months ago




Wulfram Wattson

































A maverick weapons engineer, ready for some field tests.

Eager to demonstrate his latest inventions, Wattson entered into the annual combat tournament known as the Festival of the Sword. He'd spent most of his life until this point racking up increasingly serious criminal charges in pursuit of his passion for weapons, and saw the competition as a rare opportunity to show off their destructive potential where people would actually appreciate it.

Or, it would have been, if the Festival had happened as planned. Instead, Wattson's gotten roped into a prophecy that says he and a few other contestants are instrumental in saving the world from impending doom. Since then, he's been pulled in a million different directions by at least two new immediate family members, the demon he sold his soul to, his boyfriend who is unwillingly in league with the enemy, new and old friends alike, the aforementioned apocalyptic obligations, and the moon herself... he's pretty busy these days.


  • 5'3" with a small, skinny build. he tiny
  • favors practical clothes that he's okay with setting on fire. doesn't like to be dirty but doesn't maintain his appearance much beyond that
  • compulsively rolls up the sleeves on any shirt or jacket to his elbows due to how often he works with fire and heavy machinery
  • his tail is thick at the base, which basically necessitates high-waisted pants
  • his hands take a beating from his work, and often have small scratches or burns
  • sometimes I make his horns skin tone, other times they're greyish-black. you can do either one idc



An engineering prodigy with an obsessive interest in weapons, Wattson is a lot like his inventions: bright, crackling with energy, and very, very destructive. His work comes before everything else, including taking care of himself; anything is acceptable collateral when it comes to his next breakthough.


Born in Forgelight to two of the industrious city's most respected engineers, Wattson was more or less born into his career. Not that he seems to have ever minded; from a young age it was clear he had inherited both his mother's spark of genius and his father's borderline pathological work ethic. And it's a good thing he did, because as Harmony Wattson's son, no less would have been expected of him. While both of his parents were engineers of note, Harmony in particular is considered almost peerless due to her many innovations in transport and infrastructure. Even his nickname comes from growing up in her footsteps; during the series of apprenticeships he took in place of more traditional school, most of his mentors referred to him simply as "Wattson's boy," which was at some point shortened to just "Wattson" when his competence earned him enough respect to take that small step out of Harmony's shadow.

Most of them assumed he would grow out of his fascination with weapons. He did not.

If anything, Wattson's obsession with the tools of war only grew more intense. The overlap with his increase in mechanical prowess meant by the time he was a teenager Wattson was able and all too willing to build and test things that were extremely dangerous. Naturally, this was met by resistance from pretty much everyone he's ever known. His inability to settle down and focus on something less likely to kill somebody eventually left him branded as something of a lost cause by those who trained him, up to and including his mother. In a definitely extremely civil discussion that involved no shouting at all and certainly no terrible exchange of insults whatsoever the decision was made that Wattson would strike out on his own and neither of them would have to deal with each other anymore.

Fortunately, Wattson found out in short order that he enjoyed traveling quite a bit. Which is good, because his tendency to leave total chaos in his wake means frequently changing places has been essential. Being on the road for almost a decade, Wattson has accumulated more than a few fun stories, uniquely dangerous machines, criminal charges, weird scars, and unusual companions from all around the continent. Most notable among those companions is unquestionably Azotl, his demon Self who is as much a best friend as he is a promise of greatness and a death sentence. Being roped into an apocalyptic prophecy wasn't exactly what Wattson had intended to do next, career-wise. But he's excited to see where the detour leads.


For someone who was assigned to be his partner at random, Clarity sure matters a lot.

Wattson didn't think much of her, at first. She's so soft and so naive, and at the same time, more than a competent fighter... the contrast was what interested him, at first. Her openness and willingness to treat him as a beloved friend right from the start was as disarming as it was alien. He didn't really think people like that existed. But he knows the sort of people that take advantage of that warmth definitely do; he's one of them, after all. For Clarity, he makes an exception. And he's going to see to it that nobody else can take advantage of it, either. (art: https://twitter.com/aasimaar)

For almost the last decade of Wattson's life, Azotl has been one of precious few constants.

He has a deal to uphold, sure. And failure to uphold that deal will inevitably kill him. But for people with such a serious bargain in the balance, Azotl and Wattson are remarkably casual with each other. Aside from probably being the only reason he's still alive, Azotl is Wattson's closest friend. They've lived around each other for so long the sense of mutual understanding and comfort borders on domestic. Wattson likes giving him a hard time, sure, but that's how he says he loves him. That, and he doesn't want Az to think he's getting all soft. That could be a fatal mistake. (art:https://twitter.com/halforq)

Wattson didn't really know his actual grandparents all that well, but he imagines this is probably what it's like. Vague fondness and professional distance.

Bepo's an interesting guy becuase he looks like a total pushover, but he's proved now that isn't the case at all. The guy's soft and warm and fatherly and killed a small army of undead with one terrifying spell. Wattson loves a good terrifying spell. He admires Bepo's ability to keep at the adventuring life, even at his age. Especially since Wattson himself can't imagine a scenario where he ever gets to be that old.

He doesn't know Kiz all that well. She's not too talkative, doesn't really speak unless she has something to say. (As someone who never figured out how to shut the hell up, he can respect that skill.) But she's strong as hell, and she's got the look about her of someone who could do a lot of damage and probably have a grand old time of it under the right circumstances. He'd like to see that potential chaos be realized, for her sake as much as his own love of the chaos craft.

Describe their relationship here! This section will adjust with the length of the text, so go wild! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Describe their relationship here! This section will adjust with the length of the text, so go wild! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.



  • fireworks. fire in general
  • traveling
  • pranks
  • all-nighters


  • safety protocols
  • authority figures
  • stillness
  • vulnerability


  • smokes occasionally, both in a "cigarettes" sense and a "tendency to be slightly on fire" sense
  • sometimes when he's excited, electricity arcs between his horns. he only occasionally electrocutes himself in this way
  • really, really into wargames
  • very staticky. likely to shock you if you touch him


aqua vitae (explodatorium)
specter of torment OST
popple battle
mario & luigi superstar saga OST
old college try
the mountain goats

code by icecreampizzeria