Sorina Cuurnetorgec



4 years, 11 months ago


She/her, Bronze Dragonborn, age 21

Music has always been a part of Sorina's life. From the lullabies her father sang, to the beautiful music boxes crafted by their gnomish neighbor, to the exuberant festivals her village held, it seemed to permeate the very fiber pf her being. So it was no surprise when she took up her mother's lyre and declared she would one day become a bard.

Though she briefly attended a bard's college, she ultimately dropped out over creative differences between her and the staff. They were all about control and analysis - pah! They didn't bother to experience the music; living there was absolutely insufferable for the aspiring folk performer. So, she soon returned to her hometown, and scraped out a living helping at a local farm.

Then, a terrible storm came, causing a flood which completely leveled her humble home and much of the rest of her village. Sorina gained a phobia of water after her near drowning and her anxiety grew worse: but, once again, she found her comfort in music. Playing and listening helped her stay calm and find her center: it brought her such joy, that she knew she once again had to look into the life of a bard. So, she packed up what belongings she had left and set out on the road.

Sorina has a shy, reserved demeanor at first glance. However, she is quick to open up into a bubbly, quite talkative young woman if she makes even the slightest connection with someone. If she sits still for too long, she fidgets, tapping her fingers as if to pluck invisible strings while bouncing her foot to a beat. She also tends to hum if she gets lost in thought, and would outright sing constantly if she weren’t so self-conscious. She tends to accidentally interrupt people and gets anxious rather easily. When she performs, it’s like a switch is flipped. She’s no longer Sorina: she is Dorian, the Bronze Bard, and her mission is to entertain. She acts more energetic and excitable, eager to share her joy with others. However, this level of comfort is deeply ingrained in her familiar routines and structure; if her performance is in any way interrupted, she will become very nervous, and will have a hard time getting back into the groove. She is working hard to improve herself in this manner; she wants to become more spontaneous and more comfortable in her own skin. It just isn’t an easy task.