


4 years, 7 months ago



Name Ebony
Orien. Straight
Age Young Adult
Pronouns She/They
Race Elf Orc
Role Support/ Close Range
Class Paladin
Subclass Oath of the Watcher
Alignment Neutral Good

Self-Knowledge. If you know yourself, there's nothing left to know.
Free Thinking. Inquiry and curiosity are the pillars of progress.


  • meditation/ prayer/ reading
  • hunting
  • venison dishes
  • the sound of bird calls


  • uncomfortable silences
  • spicy foods
  • deserts/ hot places


Vigilance. The threats you face are cunning, powerful, and subversive. Be ever alert for their corruption.

Loyalty. Never accept gifts or favors from fiends or those who truck with them. Stay true to your order, your comrades, and your duty.

Discipline. You are the shield against the endless terrors that lie beyond the stars. Your blade must be forever sharp and your mind keen to survive what lies beyond.









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  • Determined | No matter what stands in her way Ebony will persevere. She has encountered more than one person who wished to drag her down but she is much harder to keep down then they would think.
  • Patient | She had learned patience early on in life, but she never really had a control of it until after she had left the Electi. Her father taught it to her through deer hunting and had stressed that for her it will be an important to remember patience even when its difficult.
  • Possessive | She is alwasy looking for some kind of validation for her actions. Though she normally has a mask of confidence and indifference, other people's words do get under her skin sometimes. She can get easily jealous and will sometimes strike against people she deems a threat to her natural order.
  • Warmhearted | Ebony protects people because she sees the good in them. She strives to treat people with kindness, even if they do not do the same in return.
  • Self- Indulgent | Despite her carefully crafted exterior, she has a spirited heart. She enjoys indulging in games and play with people she trusts. She will usually only drink in a controlled envirnment but will do so if given the chance.
  • Resentful | She still holds bitter feelings for the way people treat her. She tries her best not to show it and lets it fuel her determination to be more than what they see her as.


  • she got her scar after she was sabotaged on a hunting expedition. a wild guard drake attacked her and took the sight from her left eye.
  • A direct descendant of the Knight of Taurus.
  • She scratches her ear whenever she lies.
  • She is very bad at names, but she can remember faces very well.
  • She has a very nice singing voice but will very rarely do so.


Arre and Ethi the Swift [ parents ]

Ebony loves her parents, she admires their determination to be together despite the whispers and sneers that seemed to be thrown their way. They raised her to be proud of her two heritages, she sometimes loses sight of that but tries her best to make her parents proud of her. After her mother died, Ebony struggled to take care of her distant father. The lose had hit him more than she had thought, it didn't help that they are sure that it was no hunting accident that took her from them. When she was banished from her city, she made sure to leave her father in trusted hands. The last thing she would want for her choices to leave him without care.


Cyver [ best friend ]

Cyver is the first person that Ebony befriended during her training years. They easily became inseperable and insufferable to other people. They would often be seen racing across roof and tree tops in the city center, laughing at jests and jokes. As expected, they also got into trouble together. Though after a particularly scary incounter with their sergent, Ebony had gotten her act together quickly. As they grew up they both became a bit more serious about the training they had chosen to undertake and worked hard to become knights of the kingdom. After Ebony's banishment, Cyver followed her. "If they don't want you then I don't want them." He stated as they began their travels together. At the time Ebony did not know of Cyver's romantic feelings toward her but after their seperation, she had realized just how much he had cared for her. Ebony hasn't seen him since she had joined the Electi and after their big falling out she hopes that she will get the chance to apologize to him.

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