


4 years, 7 months ago


Oh Sun-hwa

Byline / edited date

Sun-hwa Oh (20 Years-Old)

Name Oh Sun-hwa (오 선화)

Born December 31st || 20 Y/O

Orientation ???

Occupation Voice Actor

Gender Female

Personal Notes South Korean

5'7 || 170.18cm

109lbs || 49.44kg

Theme Nuvole Bianche

Sun-hwa Oh (오 선화 Oh Sun-hwa, born December 31st, ████) is a South Korean voice actor and singer. She is most well known as "Sunny" to many, and is known for her major roles in South Korean films and documentaries, along with many anime and video game appearances.


Sunny's talent, being the Ultimate Voice Actor, is a simple yet descriptive one. Using a high range of vocals and ability to imitate many sounds and different voice feels, Sun-hwa has a knack for her job. She can reach most if not all pitches and tones and "textures," of voice, going from an angelic sort of childish voice to a gravelly, older man, she isn't one to challenge to a fight when it comes to her voice talents.

Most of her work has come from her doing acting work around the world, though her main headquarters stays inside her home itself. She has starred in many different mediums and different positions, with most of her fame coming from her work as a voice actor of multiple anime and video game characters alike. Her native language is Korean, but she is very well spoken in both English and Japanese, making her an even bigger acting candidate due to being able to reach out to so many bases and fields. Her career shines the brightest in her native tongue, and she has been in multiple films, documentaries, cartoons, games, etc hailing from or associating with South Korea as a whole.

Showing off her talents is much easier than it may seem- Sunny is proud of her work as an artist and has taken many "dialogue" requests and participated on radios as both herself and as characters she has established vocally over the years. Many of these include JRPG and anime characters she has voiced or is currently voicing, and that friendliness goes a long way, especially in marketing herself and becoming even more well known than previous.

To date, most of her fame comes from her work on the JRPG/Dating Simulator known as CHROMA♡HEART, acting as four total characters, one being a fan-favorite main character. This was her first properly credited jobs as a voice actor. She has worked on many others, including smaller indie titles such as the small RPG known as Astro--phobiA, in which Sun-hwa had sung for the intro and credits sequence.

Personal Skills

  • Telephone ; general/investigation
    As a voice actor, Sun-hwa's job entails being able to mimic a variety of voice types, and with all of her experience in the industry she's developed the ability to identify someone purely on their voice. If she happens to overhear a conversation, as long as the person's voice isn't completely unidentifiable—for example, being heavily muffled by a thick wall or being filtered through a voice-changer— Sun-hwa can cross-compare her preexisting knowledge of her peers' voices to decipher who it was she heard talking.

  • Cognitive ; trial
    Even the smallest inflections and shifts in tone can make a world of difference when it comes to voice acting—being able to properly express emotion through your voice van be a difficult task! However, with Sun-hwa's years of experience in vocal performance, she can pick up on the tiniest changes in a person's voice while they're speaking, whether it's a voice crack because they're angry or their words pitching up an octave out of fear. Being able to tell why another person's voice changes is an entirely different story, though.

Personal Weaknesses

  • White Noise ; trial
    Willpower, being able to stand up for herself... concepts like that are not exactly familiar to Sun-hwa. Should someone attempt to change her opinion, to bring her over to their side of the argument, whatever their side may be, whatever the argument may be about— it isn't difficult for people to sway Sunny's opinion on most things, and in a place as full of uncertainty and doubt as the trial room, her impressionability is at an all-time high.
  • Hush Hush ; investigation & trial
    A naturally moderate person, Sun-hwa dislikes bringing her own thoughts and viewpoints into conversation unless she's explicitly asked to, and this even applies to investigations and the trial room. To get her to share any evidence she may have found, or even her opinion on the state of the case, a person would have to address Sunny directly and ask her, in no uncertain terms to share. In short, Sun-hwa is very unlikely to share information on her own unless goaded into it by another person.


Level-headed — Efficient
Humble — Patient
Quiet — Tolerant
Amenable — Pessimistic
Cowardly — Indecisive

END [4/5]

STR [1/5]

DEX [2/5]

INT [3/5]

CHA [5/5]

15/15 Stats Filled

The way that Sun-hwa carries herself suggests relaxation, calmness—serenity, even. First and foremost she considers herself to be a level-headed person, able to keep her wits about her in even the most dire of situations, even when those around her are unable to move forward themselves. But no need to worry, she isn't the type to pride herself on such intrinsic facets of her person—at heart, although she has much to be proud of, Sunny remains humble. Trivial things like trophies and awards don't matter to her as much as the joy that comes with the art that she's built a career out of. Of course, she wouldn't have been able to come this far had she not been nearly as patient as she is; moving from the bottom up in any industry is a daunting task, voice acting no exception to that rule, but with a good head on her shoulders, Sun-hwa earned her title as an Ultimate. Her efficiency, too, has served a key role to getting her where she is today, in terms of both her work and her personal life—a hard worker, in and outside the office, who consistently gives her best effort to ensure that what she's doing is the best it can be.

For a person whose career, quite literally, revolves around the usage of her voice, when she's not doing her job, Sun-hwa is a rather quiet person. She doesn't speak much unless she's being addressed directly, and even then, speaking more than what's absolutely necessary is an unappealing idea to her. That isn't to say she believes that the same should apply to everyone, no—she firmly believes that everyone is entitled to their own personal beliefs and their own personality. Though her tolerance of other people is something of a double-edged sword; tolerant of things both innocuous and malicious. Even if she does have an issue with someone, her chances of voicing it are slim—an easily influenced person, it's easier for her to just go with the flow and not make a big deal of things. Backbone is, admittedly, not Sunny's strong suit.

Sun-hwa's impressionability goes beyond simply following the herd. If that was the extent of it, it would be a little inconvenient for people around her at times, sure, but it goes farther than that: it's not at all difficult to persuade her on any number of topics. What little willpower Sunny does have is distressingly weak, and it takes hardly any effort to sway her to another side of the argument, if she even has a preexisting opinion at all. She's an indecisive person by nature, prone to stalling on important choices, which makes it all the easier to give her some 'helpful' advice, pointing her in a direction that just so happens to benefit you. And yet, should she realize that, no, something is out of the ordinary, she's more likely to dismiss it to the back of her mind than anything else than bring it up—nonconfrontational and cowardly to a fault. The idea of confrontation brings the worst thoughts her pessimistic mind has to offer to the forefront of her attention; it's so much easier to just do what other people want her to, even if it's something that she doesn't want to do herself.

Public Information

Known Information

Sun-hwa's past is entirely shrowded in mystery to the public, to say the very least. Her age, being 20 internationally and 21 based on Korea's age system, and her relations to certain members of the public are all that are known outside of what is known inside of her career.

In the current time, her former schoolmates Yi Eun-Ji, graduated Ultimate Storyboard Artist, and Park Seo-Yun, graduated Ultimate 2D Animator, are known to be Oh's sole closest friends as a whole, along with her fiancée Lee Hye-Jin being her closest partner to date. Hye-Jin is known for being an upcoming, rising star in the arts and acting industry, being most known for her freelance and advertisement-based painting work, along with her basis in many sitcoms and dramas in the last century. Lee's rise to fame has brought her fiancée's fame up with her, and they appear to be working as a pair to rise to stardom as far as they can reach.

Although little is known about Sun-hwa's personal life and the like, recent news of her, after her coming off of her sudden hiatus after her attendance at Hopes Peak Academy, is known. A recent string of scandalous images and videos of Sun-hwa have been released anonymously across the web, and although many are attempting to stop the flood of images due to the works being a naturally illegal work, notifiably the videos of Sun-hwa being from years prior, they have spread across the internet and become an infamous sensation among fans of her. She has not spoken on this, nor has she gone on record to state why, where, or if it was her that had taken the photos. From what the situation holds, it doesn't appear like there will be any statement, nor does it look like it was her own doing to release such images and recordings to the public.

At the current date, Eun-ji and Seo-yun have stated their few words on the matter, stating it is incredibly unlike Sun-hwa to have done anything like this, and due to their own lack of contact with the girl and inability to find her or her fiancee, it's a worrying issue in their eyes entirely.


Sun-hwa's current issue had been a major scandal occuring when her hiatus after schooling broke, the public gaining access to both SFW and NSFW imagery of Sun-hwa and her fiancée Hye-jin, being been posted by an anonymous source in a large dump with photos and videos alike. It is unclear of when each picture truly dates back to, besides the handful that have dates stamped to their images, but many have noted that the appearance of Sun-hwa in each picture shows that these span throughout the years she has been known, with the earliest picture being sourced back to a photo Sun-hwa had posted on her social media during a private party at the age of 16 (international).

Moon Jung-hoon, renowed journalist based in Seoul, South Korea, had commented a week after the initial release of the images, stating many things that the public has picked up on after seeing the images original surfacing.

"I would highly suggest not looking at these images, fans of her work or not- there's no need, and by all means we could say its illegal, seeing as some of these could date back from when she was underage..."

"... I'm an enthusiast of her work, along with many of her co-workers, and from what I am able to tell, the current consensus between the public and the private should be that the authorities can handle this, and we can keep our hands out of it. Sun-hwa and Hye-jin have made it clear that they will not make a statement at the current time, and we should respect that."

"I do have inside comments that I'm not able to share, but I am able to say that many of Sun-hwa's current and prior coworkers have agreed that this isn't something they would find her to be interested in doing (in regards to the not safe for work imagery) consentually. I can't speak on Sun-hwa or Hye-jin's behalf, as I am not a contact of theirs, but a statement would be beneficial, in any regard from them."

To the public's knowledge, the original source of these images was promptly and swiftly taken down, and only reuploads and mirrors are available to ones who can catch them before they're taken down due to their content. It is unsure if these are the true copies of the original or otherwise.


Sun-hwa started as a voice actor at the young age of eleven on many freelance and for-fun projects, helping voice younger female characters and child male characters across different games and smaller animes and voice-over works after her for-fun media projects after to being picked up by an agency at twelve. Having been picked up by 表露 (Biǎolù), a Chinese-based multilingual voice acting agency, she has been partnered with several programs, games, series, etc, to do voice work across the country. Her most known work is applied to her video game and anime voice work across Japan, South Korea, and the United States, especially in the case of her first properly credited work on a JRPG known as CHROMA♡HEART.


[Animal Crossing]


  • Video Games ; Naturally, with her job and all of that, she'd have to enjoy what she partakes in, right?
  • Quiet ; While white noise isn't her favorite thing, she'd much prefer it to anything that's loud, really.
  • Oversized Clothes ; Cozy...
  • Winter ; Time for the even bigger clothing to come out! Get warm!


  • Deadlines ; Sure, it's not as difficult on her end since she'll work her ass off to get things done beforehand, but she can just feel the stress radiating off of others when it comes to the stress of a deadline or two, especially on things that are to release soon.
  • Shorts ; Eeyuck..
  • Summer ; She doesn't hate summer, but it's annoying to not be wearing baggy clothing all the time. Less comfortable, really.
  • Butter ; Bad texture, though it goes well on things when melted.

Hobbies & Interests

[Animal Crossing]


  • Piano ; She grew up singing and playing piano before she truly got into voice work, and she wouldn't give it up for the world.
  • Singing ; She's less enthused to do this in a public setting, but she enjoys it nonetheless.
  • Doodling ; Not good at it at all, but it's a good stress relief. Hye-Jin does it, why shouldn't she try, right?
  • Playing Games ; Video games, board games, puzzles? You name it, she's probably interested! A nice quiet game of Mahjong is always nice.


  • Art ; With her engagement? Naturally, she'd have to be interested...
  • Programming ; She's never done any programming, nor has she tried, but the thought of it really makes her interested nonetheless. It's an intriguing subject, honestly.
  • Weird Reviews ; Have you gone onto the review section for American places? They're crazy to look at, really!
  • Rabbits ; Soft and good in every way.


[ Bunny Bag ]


  • Smartphone ; How could you leave home without it? It appears to be not very decorated and more protected than it really needs to be. A thick case indeed! Comes with: charger, charger port, headphones.
  • Hair Ties ; All are kept in a pocket or around her wrists. Never know when one will break.
  • Key Lanyard ; Lanyard with all of her keys and identification items. Her engagement ring is also attatched. She seems to keep this in her pockets, but sometimes puts it in her bunny bag as well.

Bunny Bag

  • Wallet ; A cutesy Miffy coin purse and a Miffy wallet. Seems to have anything and everything she needs to live!
  • Pencils & Pens ; Pencils and pens to write and draw with. Simple as that. Comes with some extra led for the mechanical pencils.
  • Laptop ; Laptop that has a lot of passwords on it. Seems to be for her work.
  • Sketchbook ; A nearly untouched, carefully wrapped sketchbook that has a lipstick stain on the cover with a small engraving on it. It spells out "사랑합니다."


  • Sunny is known for dying her hair frequently! Despite this, it's very healthy, and her current hair is her natural color.
  • Sun-hwa is native in Korean, fluent in English, fluent in Japanese, and only knows a few words and phrases in Chinese (Mandarin). This is due to the focus of her job, however, her knowledge in Chinese comes from her lack of translator when needing to speak to her agency's heads directly.
  • Sunny always smells like mint when you pass by her.
  • At home, she has two pet rabbits named 엽기토끼 (Yeopki Tokki) and 벌집(Beoljib).


Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.

Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.

Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.