


4 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

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Date of Creation:

June 12, 2018



Name: Hana Tachibana
Alias: Plant Hero: Hana
Nickname(s): Hanata
Age: 14
DOB: November 11
Blood type: A
Height: 160 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Gender: Female
Orientation: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Student
Place of Birth: Shinjuku, Tokyo
Ethnicity: Asian

Department: Hero
Year: 1st
Class: 1-B
Dormitory: Room 105
Provisional Hero Licence: No



"People can change. And people can change people."

-Hana convincing herself

Hana is a very gentle person who rarely gets aggressive outside battle. She is very honest to people but will try to say things in the most subtle way as she is very sympathetic towards them as well. When Hana promises or decides to do something, she will always be determined to finish it in the very end.

For her good qualities, she's a very kind person who believes people can change. She is also very forgiving towards those who caused her trouble and she is always willing to lend a hand to the needing. Hana is also a very quick thinker and would often come up with solutions to fix things immediately. She is also a very sweet person, often smiling and doing her best to make sure people aren't worried about anything.

However, Hana also comes with some undesirable traits. Hana is somewhat of a paranoid and would often jump into conclusions, mostly trying to fix the problem when there's no problem in the first place. She is also remorseful and is quick to think that it's her fault, along with her obsession to fix the problems around her. Somewhat of a pushover as well, she usually repress her emotions and put other people first even if her life is in the line and she just can't bring herself to say no to others. Hana also tends to be reckless and to do things on her own and risk her safety


 Food: Strawberry Cake and other sweet food
 Topics: Anything about girl stuff
 Relationships / Preference: Hana prefers a person who is very touchy and honest with their feelings
Others: Cute things, Scrap-booking Materials, Bottled flowers
Food: Hana dislikes bitter foods
Topics: She doesn't like talking about politics and religion or anything that can cause conflict.
People: She doesn't like close-minded people
Pet peeves: Being teased about her transformation appearance

Before UA:
Hana was "born" in the bustling city of Tokyo, specifically in Ikebukuro. She lives an ordinary life in a small apartment with her loving and kind parents and the three of them live happily and in peace, though sometimes there would be villain attacks, but it's not enough to make the family tremble in fear.

Hana has an ordinary life with friends who she normally hangs out after school. Everything is just doing great until one day when she was alone in their apartment, she accidentally knocked some papers in their living room and found out that she was adopted. Afraid of causing any problems to her parents, she did some research on her own to find out more about her real family and how she ended up with her parents

Hana found out that she was originally born to the two well-known villains, Michiru "Mean Green Mother" and Soryu "Splitter" Tsurugi.  When they got arrested, she was sent to adoption and was given to her current parents, who are incapable of having children. Apparently the couple broke free and is currently into hiding for the past 15 years since she was born.

Making further research about the crimes of her real parents, Hana became remorseful of her origin, thinking that she needs to compensate for the crimes they committed, so she decided that her only way of redeeming her family is to become a hero. When her middle school graduation came, she told her parents that she wanted to be a hero and she was surprised they don't know anything about her real parents. Hana then promises her current parents that she will do her best so they can be proud of her, hiding the fear that one day she will actually face her real parents on the other side of the battle, though she is determined to win against them and to change them into good people.

Starting the UA Life:


"I'm just gonna stand here and help out when you guys gets near."

-Hana planting herself in the ground 

Quirk name: Plantification
Transforms herself into a plant-ish being.
Hana's quirk transforms her into a plant-like being, with a huge Camellia flower on her head, Venus flytrap arms, and two extending Vines from her back, basically a monster plant. Her feet transforms into roots and she stays in one place. The Camellia flower produces regular pollen that can trigger allergies but are naturally harmless while the flytrap arms and extending vines are her main weapons. She can extend her arms and vines for as long as 5 meters, other than that her flytrap hands are just roughly half a meter long. She also can produce spores that can either sleep a person, paralyze a person, or use it as pheromones with a distance within 1 meter from her.
Quirk type: Transformation
Primary Role: Tank

Secondary Role: DPS


Quirk Drawbacks

Her biggest problem is her immobility, since she can only stay in one place and there has to be soil underneath the concrete she's standing in. She's also weak against fire and while she can grow some of her body parts when cut, she will have to stay transformed for a long time until they grow back, otherwise she'll have to deal with a missing limb once she reverts herself to human form unless she transforms back to plant form, plants herself into healthy soil, and grow herself there for weeks until she recovers.

Power - 4/5

Speed - 1/5

Technique - 5/5

Intelligence - 3/5

Cooperativeness -5/5

🔸Taking Pictures - Hana loves taking pictures, though she never considers herself an expert at photography
🔸Gardening - Hana enjoys gardening just as much as she enjoys taking pictures.
🔸Karaoke - Despite not really being a good singer, Hana enjoys singing in Karaoke stations with her friends
🔸Researching - Hana enjoys looking for new information and feeding her mind with it.
🔸 Smart Phone - Hana never leaves home without it.
🔸 First Aid Kit - Something she always brings with her.
🔸  Water Jug- That very big water jugs some students bring around? She has one too, and in color pink!
🔸 ??? - She will use a weapon someday, so she wouldn't need to rely on her quirk.


🔸 Good quirk Control- Hana is efficient into controlling her quirk.
🔸 People with Pollen Allergies - Because of her ability to produce pollen, she is quick to defeat opponents with pollen allergies
🔸 Quick Thinking - Her ability to think quickly in fighting other than her quirk especially when she's not allowed to use it allows her to have an edge in battle.

🔸Fire. Her most difficult opponents are those who can utilize fire quirks.
🔸Moving Targets. Since she is immobile at plant form, moving targets 5 meters away from her puts her into a big disadvantage
🔸She has to be planted on soil, so she can't transform in moving vehicles or in air.
🔸Physical Limit. Her ability to regenerate takes a week if an entire limb is cut off.

🔸Hana doesn't really need to eat prior the manifestation of her quirk. She can just go photosynthesis if she likes.
🔸Her transformation form is based on Tytannial - Princess of Camellias
🔸Her mother is based on the Mean Green Mother from Outer Space in the Little Shop of Horrors film
🔸Has freckles all over her body that are still visible even in plant form
🔸Her hair in plant form are actually leaves - she can use it in photosynthesis
🔸Her adoptive parents seem to doesn't mind about her origin.
🔸Feel free to draw her as cameos in your drawings~


Timezone: GMT+8:00
Method: Discord
Format: Paragraphs, though I tend do to a headcanon-ish thing before starting the RP (Scenarios and Ending)
Rating: Light-hearted, no rivalry (pls don't fite the poor guy), no nsfw & gore

Creator's Notes:

  • I have this OC from groups before, one got killed off and the other reject her. I hope for the third time she'll finally get a home.
  • Hnnnngh she is my bby I wuv her very much

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