


4 years, 6 months ago




not up for sale/trade/offers


NAME Amayako


AGE 16

GENDER female




Birthday 12th May

HEIGHT 1,65m

Relationship single

Amayako is a Mermaid with a big family, but only her younger Sister Amatheia is properly designed so far. This sister is also her favorite sibling and like a best friend for Amayako. She tells her Sister everything and they are really close. Her other best friend is a young seal, that was tangled together with her in a fishnet and that she rescued after freeing herself from that fishnet. During her time as human she also befriends Ruka and his friends. She is a girl who easily makes new friends and never is lonely for a long time on a new place. Also she is a really touchy person. If its touching random fish or hugging other people or even platonic hand holding. she is really into beeing close with others.

But even through she likes to have many people around her, she isn't interested in romantic love of any sort. But she wants to have a little family later when she is grown up, so she is really positively thinking about adoption.

She is really short sighted and theoretically would need some glasses but is to superficial for them. Later in her Story when she is part-time human she wears contact lenses, but those doesn´t work underwater, so she naturally often swim into things and bump into stones or other underwater creatures. Because of that she also got herself in the fishnet, where she met the seal. Amayako still have some scars on her arms. But even a painful situation like this didn´t changed her mind about glasses. Even so she is to superficial for glasses she doesn´t but that much effort into her looks. She has short hair, because its easier to look nice and she would never put on all the accesoires like her sister. Amayako prefers the more natural look without something added.

She is really easy to excite. Like really easily. Just show her something new or tell her some interesting fact and she will be happy the whole day about, babble about it the whole time and get on everybody's nerves with it. When she is up on the human world she is a bit like Arthur Weasly when it comes to muggle things. She wants to know as much as possible about human stuff and sometimes have really dumb questions.

Combining with the last thing she really likes attention. Since she is no drama queen or overly talented in anything, she will just talk to everybody non stop to make sure that she got her needed attention. Especially her parents, who have to be there for more kids than just her, sometimes lose it, and ban her to her room, which she absolutely hate. She then will do loud things in her room, like sing (which she isn´t good at) until they at least let her out of her room again.

Amayako is a Vegan. It's not common for her merfolk, but she didn't wanted to eat her fish friends since she was very little.

  • Hugging
  • Her Family and friends
  • Discovering new things
  • Eating Fish
  • being lonely
  • Glasses
  • Learning
  • Human Things
Amayako is mainly a mermaid, but also has a human form. In the human form she doesn´t change much of her look, she simply get rid of her fishtail and it is replaced with legs.
Her human body is 1,65m high, while she is a bit longer as mermaid, since her fishtail is longer then her legs.

She has bright red, short hair, blue eyes and a blue fishtail. Her fins are also blue and have darker spots on them. Her light skin has some freckles, that are even more visible in her human form.

She has a slim body, as human she would count as underweighted, but her boobs are kinda big. She usually has really simple braws, often seashells or just a bit of seaweed.

She has this one strand of hair on top of her head, that always stays up like this, no matter what she does. During the time on land Ruka and his female friends try everything to tame this one strand, but nothing helps, not even hair clips.
200Amatheia Sister/ best friend
200Ruka Best Human Friend
200Seal (Nameless) best friend

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