
General info

Name: Xander

Age: Unknown because he’s a literal demon, but appears about 25

Pronouns: he/him


•the strong-silent type, but kindness comes naturally to him. very gentle, respectful, and understanding towards others.

•Very much down to earth (ironically) and has a no-nonsense attitude when it comes to important business, but when he’s around friendly company he loosens that serious nature. 

•rarely speaks in public, but when he does, it’s clear he has something important to say.

•he’s basically the “older brother” friend

•extremely skilled with the blade since he used to be a weapons blacksmith for hell; now acts as part of the rebellion, having joined during the later waves of recruitment 

•his sibling disapproves his actions, but he’s nice enough not to point out their hypocrisy 

•”the mask does well to give him a mysterious look”, or at least that’s what his friend thinks (it was a gift when he joined the rebellion and he just doesn’t have the heart to get rid of it)

•currently lives on Earth under the guise of being in a world-traveling band (it’s how he gets weapons to the different rebellion camps?)

•his glaive can transform into a bass guitar (because demon magic I guess)