


4 years, 8 months ago


Design is by me

Name: Cordelia

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Relationship: None

Age: (by 2281) 24

SPECIAL: Strength: 8, Perception: 5, Endurance: 10, Charisma: 12, Intelligence: 3, Agility: 4, Luck: 4

Birthday: November 9th

Personality: Masochist and sadist, Cordelia is ready to do anything to serve the true child of Mars. She hates those who are weak and those who loyally serve the "false son of their lord." Cordelia wishes to find the real child of Mars, believing they will finally truly free them all with the summon of their army. Cordelia admires those who prove themselves to be true warriors in battle, finding individuals like Kaeso and Pluto to be a couple of people who would be true warriors of Mars. Cordelia thinks Mars is a real God but doesn't believe Caesar is his true son. Although Cordelia believes pain, whether you're receiving it or giving it, especially from battle, is a necessary to show your willingness to serve Mars. Despite this, Cordelia does not go out of her way to hurt those who don't deserve it, although she sees those who give up mid battle as cowards and gives no mercy to them, even if they are her own followers. Cordelia has a soft spot for all the slaves in the Legion and wishes to free them from their false idol, including the soldiers who serve him. She has no motivation to destroy the Legion, just to remove Caesar and replace him with her gods child.

Story: Cordelia was given to the Legion in a trade by her father when she was very young. She grew up as a slave in the Legion, incredibly loyal to the group and what it believes in. She tries to convince Caesar to let her become a soldier, to allow her to prove her loyalty to Mars, but was declined. This refusal confused and angered her, wondering why Mars himself would dey a soldier who was s willing to serve her. She has a revelation, one she made up but eventually, in her scheming and work, forgets was her own. This Caesar was not the son of Mars, but rather, a false idol who has taken the seat from Mars's real child. She begins to spread her word, gathering a few, incredibly interested slaves and lower class soldiers alike. Angered by these rumors, Caesar sent forces to exterminate the now growing cult, and Cordelia and her group were forced into hiding, committing petty crimes against the Legion.

 Caesar's death changes everything. With the false Caesar dead, Cordelia and the Eyes of Mars strengthen their attempts to liberate the Legion, trying to take down a new man who calls himself Caesar, Marsyas. One night, she has a dream, that she claims is a vision, that the real child of Mars will come and with them bring an army from the west of unfathomable side and will aid Mars's most loyal to liberate his empire.

 Time goes by until one day Cordelia is approached by Oizys, a woman who has been growing a small force of her own and came to request Cordelia's help in taking down the Legion. Cordelia agrees to help but warns the woman that their forces are not strong enough and that only the child of Mars would have the real strength to tear the Legion down. She does not know that Oizys had planned on messaging Stephanie Page of the NCR, and thus is surprised when the NCR came, an army of unfathomable size that came from the west, summoned by Oizys's word. Cordelia becomes convinced Oizys is the promised child and pledges the Eyes of Mars to her. They attack the Legion, taking over the empire, and Oizys disappears. Cordelia becomes ruler of the Legion, taking a placeholder role until the true Caesar returns to claim the currently broken empire. She spends the rest of days rebuilding the Legion, releasing the slaves and promising everyone and anyone a place in Mars's army, awaiting his childs return.